
When building or renovating a high-performance building envelopethere are really three main kinds of rigid foam panels you are going to have to choose from- Polyisocyanurate known as Polyiso (PIR), Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) - often called Styrofoam - and Expanded Polystyrene (EPS).

Before choosing, you should know exactly what you expect these foam insulation panels to do, to make sure you buy and benefit from the right one. These three products we're comparing here are all petroleum-based, but their characteristics, performance and ecological impacts vary significantly. Alternatively, depending on application and budget, you could always choosenatural Green Insulation Products, Like Hemp Insulation panels or Batt Insulationormineral wool - demonstrated here in roof insulation.

Polyisocyanurate Foam Panels:

PIR, polyiso, or ISO, is a thermoset plastic product typically produced as a foamand used as rigid thermal insulation panel - most often with aluminum foil facing. Thermal performance is rated at R6-6.5 per inch, but don't count on that if your winters are cold for the reasons we're about to explain. Most insulation products actually perform a bit better the colder it gets but polyisocyanurate breaks that rule. As of about 15°C its performance starts to deteriorate, and badly. By the time you get down to the -20s Celsius it's nowhere near that. It can be a great product to use as long as you keep it warm, which is a really odd thing to say about an insulation product.

Polyisocyanurate rigid foam insulation board with aluminum foil facing © Ecohome


Polyiso保温板是应用最广泛的低坡、甲板上商业屋面保温材料。作为商业屋面应用的通用选择,polyiso被设计为任何改性沥青,组合,或单层屋面系统的一部分。Polyiso产品的特点是高强度和热拖布和粘合剂连接方法的优良吸收因素。The product also is designed to perform well with mechanical fasteners, possibly underGreen Roof membranes.

Polyiso Foam Panel Insulation Conclusion:实际上,如果你的冬季温度低于50°F或10°C,使用聚苯乙烯泡沫隔热板可能是一个糟糕的选择。为了更好地理解这一说法,研究人员对芝加哥的一面墙或屋顶进行了整个12月的测试,然后平均下来。在这项研究中,使用2“聚异氰尿酸酯泡沫板的第一个组件与使用2”EPS泡沫板的相同组件进行了比较,发现损失了30%以上的热量(见下文)!

XPS - Extruded Polystyrene Foam Panels - The blue, pink or green ones (eg. Styrofoam):

XPS is Rated at R5 per inch, but it will off-gas and lose some insulation performance over time -especially below-grade and when tested in real-world applications. Above grade XPS foam acts as avapour retarder(and becomes even less moisture permeable the thicker it is - 1 inch is about 1 perm, 2 inches about .5 perms); when taped it can act as an air barrier; the manufacturers and standardized testing state that it does not absorb moisture, nor is it affected adversely by it. However, with some of the EcoHome team having real world experience to the contrary, we "dug-deeper" and found that many contractors have also noticed potential issues with XPS foam boards retaining moisture, backed up byreports like thisciting a large source of correlated testing and which would lead us to conclude thatXPS rigid insulation panels should be avoided for below-grade applications likebasement insulation——这与外面的很多信息相反。

XPS rigid foam insulation board © Ecohome


此外,对于传统生产的XPS来说,更令人遗憾的是,最常用的发泡剂氢氟碳化合物(HFCs)对气候的损害远远大于其他硬质泡沫保温板。Some manufacturers speak of a transition to moreeco-friendly foam insulationblowing agents; that will be great news when it happens across the board! And credit where it's due, the "real" Styrofoam, as in the DOW Chemicals blue product, is now manufactured with HCFC blowing agents which have 94% less ozone depletion potential. As HFCs have a global warming potential (GWP) that is 1430 times worse than carbon, this really does demonstrate how important it is to choose rigid foam insulation boards very carefuly to reduce their environmental impact.All XPS panels are not equal!

EPS - Expanded Polystyrene Foam Insulation Boards:

Rated at R4 per inch; EPS foam insulation boards are more permeable to air and moisture than XPS, but it doesn't retain moisture to the same extent because of it's more closed cell structure and it's breathability which lets it dry out. Two inches of EPS foam board has a moisture permeability rate of between 60 and 75 ng (1 to1.25 perms), which is on the cusp of qualifying it as a type II vapour retarder, but on the more 'breathable' side of the scale which we would probably consider a good thing in most applications.

EPS rigid polystyrene insulation board © Ecohome

For reference sake, the traditional 6mil polyethylene vapour barrier has a permeability rating of 3.4 ng, making it about 18 times more vapour resistant than building codes allow.

The permeability of EPS can be handy at times if you want to add insulation to an existing wall assembly but are worried about trapping moisture, like retrofitting the exterior of buildings with additional insulation. Though to be absolutely sure you may be better with a mineral wool board which lets moisture pass right through - it all depends what moisture barriers are already in place or ar about to be installed.

The lower stated R value of EPS compared to XPS is in a way compensated for by having a higher R value per dollar, as it is somewhat cheaper. If you're not worried about losing an inch of space here or there, you'll get a higher R value with EPS for the same amount of money, albeit with a thicker wall, and this R-Value also stays pretty consistent over time - unlike XPS which tails off as it ages.

The performance of EPS may drop slightly when it's wet (reports I've seen indicate somewhere in the area of 10-15 %, so nothing too catastrophic), it will also dry out just as quickly as it got wet and return to its original performance. But there is nothing wrong with putting a little effort into keeping it dry if you can. The GWP of expanded polystyrene blowing agents is about 7 times worse than carbon, but that's a lot less than being 1430 times worse like standard XPS is. There is also the potential for a miniscule amount of off-gasing of some chemicals including potentially troublesome brominated fire-retardants from EPS foam products used in construction, but speculation as to whether or not this poses a significant risk to health doesn't seem to be based on any hard facts or testing. We'd be really interested to find any verifiable sources for EPS chemical off-gassing testing - if you find any please post them to the comments section below - as we are starting to think that EPS foam may arguably bethe most Eco-Friendly insulation这可能会动摇我们反对它的想法。

Additional considerations with Polyisocyanurate:

Polyisocyanurate foam insulation panels come with a layer of foil on each side为了保持气体在里面,所以有可能解决一点日益增长的问题在墙壁组装耐久性。箔是一个蒸汽屏障和一个非常好的,它事实上它阻止甚至比正常使用的6毫米聚乙烯更多的水分。So if you use it on the interior of ahigh performance stud wall design, you won't need to add an additional vapour barrier.

这是有趣的部分——因为面板的两边都有箔纸,你最终得到的是无害的第二层蒸汽屏障,这在建筑设计中通常是异端邪说。但在炎热潮湿的夏季,由于空调的作用,蒸汽驱动有逆转的风险,这可以帮助解决这个问题。Any inward-bound moisture would be stopped at that inner layer of foil, which will be warmer than the foil on the other side, so you reduce yourrisk of summertime condensation.

That foil is the reason it can be problematic on the exterior, as you would be adding an exterior vapour barrier where you likely don't want one.

On the good news side, the GWP of blowing agents in Polyiso is similar to those in EPS, and in the right circumstances its R value is significantly higher, which deservedly or not helped earn it the reputation of being the 'greenest' foam. It can be a great choice when kept above freezing and away from moisture - so above grade for sure, and it makes a great interiorthermal breakwhen it's kept a bit warmer by batt insulation in stud cavities.

以石油为基础的泡沫不应该仅仅因为原则而受到环保建筑商的谴责;应该正确地看待它。还有其他类型的绝缘护套(矿棉、木纤维和玻璃纤维仅举三例),每一种都有自己的优点、缺点、碳足迹和通过制造而产生的隐含能源,所以即使是最环保的产品也会产生一些可衡量的影响。节约能源需要能源,而制造绝缘材料可以说是我们目前用化石燃料做的更高尚的事情之一。If you really want to go into depth about the tested performance values of Polyiso Foam panels in hot and cold clinates compared to EPS and XPS foam Insulation panels - see thearticle from Building Science Corporation here

An Alternative to Foam: Mineral wool / Rock wool rigid insulation panels:

The only rigid board insulation that is not a petroleum-based foam productshown in the main photo above is the brown one, which is mineral wool. It is a recycled product made with the stone dust from industrial blast furnaces.

Alternative Mineral Wool Rigid Insulation Panels - Roxul

Like any particulate, it is best not to inhale the fibers while installing rock wool insulation board, so like any batt insulation we recommend using eye protection and a mask, not to mention gloves to prevent skin irritation. As an insulation it is non-toxic, and unlike foam products there are no blowing agents that will off-gas into your home. That means it can lead to cleaner indoor air quality, and the R value will never change, whereas foam products will deteriorate over time as the gases escape.

Mineral wool is rated at about R 4, it is unharmed by moisture, it is not a vapour barrier at any thickness, nor is it an air barrier. It also provides better soundproofing, and being made with stone, it is fireproof.
Not being affected by moisture makes it is a great choice forretro-fitting insulation when finishing basement, either interior or exterior. It is also something of a fool proof exterior board insulation when renovating, as it will not trap moisture from the interior inside the wall.

In batt form is it a common alternative to fiberglass for its higher R value, and easier installation (at least for doing a good job) It does however cost more than fiberglass per batt.

In conclusion - Which rigid insulation panel is best?:

Our personal overall preference due to its recycled content and versatile applications is probably mineral wool, but as for the petroleum plastic rigid foam insulation products - polyisocyanurate gets top marks for being 'eco' if you are in a warmer climate and can handle its moody disposition. EPS foam is versatile, great for below-grade applications and in the middle ground for performance, financial and ecological cost, and whilst XPS foam is a top performer on paper it comes with some unfortunate environmental baggage for which we'd probably rate it in last place. As soon as XPS completes its transition to less harmful blowing agents, I'm sure it will be welcomed into thegreen buildingcommunity for above-grade applications.

For Additional Information on Insulation & Building High-Performance Walls:

Be sure to read theEcoHome Guide to High Performance wall construction here

And watch theVideo Guide to high performance wall construction and insulation here

Both from the EcoHomeGreen Building Guides