DIY Green Roof Installation

The following DIY green roof video shows the steps needed to ensure your green roof will not leak.

Watch more Green Building Guide videos from EcoHome on YouTube here

The most commonbuilding material used for roofingin North America is asphalt shingles, and because of their poor durability they may spend only 15 or 20 years on your roof before heading to a landfill.

A properly installedgreen roofhas a longer lifespan than asphalt shingles and will absorb and retain a large portion of storm water, which otherwise would end up in sewers needing to be treated.


Durability and cost:

A green roof will end up being more expensive to install thanmost other roofing products, but their durability makes them more affordable in the long run. By the time you have done a second round of asphalt shingles, the cost starts to even out. Expect at least a 50 year lifespan (and likely more) from a properly installed green roof, and if you are installing asphalt shingles, expect to replace them an easy 4 or 5 times over the lifespan of a building.

An important part of any roof assembly is that it manages moisture properly. Read here aboutwhy roofs need to be ventilated and how to ventilate a roof properly.

Watch the video covering Green Roof insulation with mineral wool here