Should you allow air flow through a crawl space with a dirt floor?


Should you allow air flow through a crawl space with a dirt floor?

Amber Murray Aug. 17, 2020Last updated: Sept. 25, 2020


我们在萨斯喀彻温省北部有一个800平方英尺的小屋,没有过冬。地基原本是在混凝土块上,所以我们把它抬起来,放在螺旋桩上。当它被抬起时,新的爬行空间用胶合板和聚苯乙烯铺在泥土地板上。然后承包商把粉色的绝缘材料放在聚乙烯上面。那里有很多湿气,冬天气温会达到零下40度,夏天地面会解冻。我们没有持续的动力,所以除湿机不是一个选择。我们客舱的地板在移动,可能会有几段隆起。更麻烦的是,承包商在提起船舱时把船舱掉了下来。我的问题是,是否可以将覆盖在爬行空间的胶合板移除,以便空气在船舱下面流通?如果最好把床单去掉,你的建议是从下面绝缘地板吗? We are thinking spray foam? Then would you put plywood to cover that for extra protection from critters? Thank you


Responses (3)

Amber Murray 2 years ago

Hello Mike,

Thank you so much for your response. Yes it is now flat ground underneath the cabin and has about 2 feet between the ground and the floor joists. It was insulated plywood walls however over time the critters have gotten into the insulation as well as moisture and most of it has disintegrated or disappeared. We were all thinking exactly as you said "it doesn't need to be a crawl space". We close the cabin in the winter and it stays empty for the cold winter months. Thank you so much for your response and guidance. I believe we will take down the plywood walls, insulate the floor and cover it with plywood. We will then put lattice as you have suggested. Thank you


Mike Reynolds
Mike Reynolds 2 years ago

Hi Amber, you're very welcome, glad the input it helped!