

How well do Legalett slab on grade floor forms work?

Steve Sykes Aug. 18, 2019Last updated: May 8, 2021

我们计划于2020年6月在安大略省爱德华王子县建造一座建筑,那里有1英尺的表土,2英尺的粘土和基岩。计划的结构是一个2000平方英尺的平房,有一个3辆车的车库。根据宣传材料,Legalett系统似乎是一个很好的选择,以避免水池泵和优化无障碍。然而,我们似乎找不到证据表明,这一概念多年来在安大略省得到了支持,特别是在爱德华王子县。Specific questions we have include:

1) What are some potential issues with the approach?

2) How are those issues usually addressed?

3) What is the long term track record of this technology?

4) Is there any reason you can think of why the County of Prince Edward would have any issues with issuing a permit for, inspecting, and issuing an occupancy permit for the finished product?

5) Is there anything special we would need the home designer to be aware of, as they pit tohether the plans and construction drawings, if we opted for this approach for the foundation?

6) We would like if possible to use local people as primary constructors, and we are also capable of (and want to add where possible) sweat equity. Is this feasible with the Legalett system? We also believe we have a good local excavator for the septic and foundation work.

7) If so, would non-Legalett trained people need any special knowledge, experience or skill beyond what they would normally need to build such a house if it were on a crawl space or basement? What I mean here relates to the part above the foundation; i.e. the main house and garage construction.

8) Are there any homeowners we can speak to, for references, for comparable projects? Ideally we wish to understand any issues that might arise during the planning, execution or post-project.

Any info you can provide would be welcome, and thanks.

Responses (3)

John Woolfrey
John Woolfrey 1 year ago

As I plan my home -- with the Legalet air-heated floor in mind, I keep wondering about possible flooding entering the furnace. I'm planning drains near the water heater and washing machine for any mishaps, but what's to prevent any water from seeping into the furnace, which is sunken into the concrete floor?

Emmanuel Cosgrove
Emmanuel Cosgrove 1 year ago

The legalett heater box that is embedded in the floor has drain holes in each corner of the box, and it sits on an EPS foam base that has holes that line up with those in the box, so in the even of a surface flood from a water heater or washing machine, any water that finds it's way into the box drains harmlessly through to the stone beneath the slab.