What is the best ductless heat pump brand?


What is the best brand for ductless mini-split HVAC system?

Babak K July 12, 2020Last updated: Sept. 25, 2020

我打算把现有的燃气强制空气加热系统换成电动无管迷你分体式系统,因为我正在改造我的家,让所有的电器都是电动的。1)这是个好主意吗?2)什么牌子的无管迷你分离机最好?我听说三菱电机(Mitsubishi Electric)和富士通(Fujitsu)的评价不错。你有什么推荐吗?

Responses (2)

Babak K
Babak K 2 years ago

Thank you Mike! Climate zone is 3. I'll be looking at function, warranty, and cost. How about noise level? I heard some brands are a lot quiter than others. I believe Mitsubishi is very quiet too?