What is the best way to make a row house in Montreal Quebec more energy efficient?


What is the best way to make a row house in Montreal Quebec more energy efficient?

Elizabeth Brown Feb. 26, 2019Last updated: Aug. 3, 2020


Current heating/cooling: extra-old electric baseboards, and one Samsung mini-split heat pump (sounding sick and old and noisy) at the top of the stairwell, one woodburning fireplace on the main floor. There is no ductwork in the house (and no room for big ducts), but I imagine there are lots of pipes from previous hot water radiator system. Embarking on major renovations.

How would you approach the heating/cooling of this house? I should have two heating sources, I've heard.

Some options:

-Mr. Slim ductless system with a zone for each floor?

-hydronic underfloor heating for the main floor (seems feasible to install from basement ceiling)

-new electric baseboards

-geothermal system with some kind of hydronic system (underfloor/baseboards/radiators)?

-epa certified wood fireplace insert (or pellet)/or woodstove (I intend to get one of these anyway)


Looking for heat efficiency and cost efficiency and eco-friedliness.

What would ecohome do?!

Responses (3)

Robert James
Robert James 3 years ago

The first thing I would do in an older home is to discover where the heat and air is leaking in and out and see what reasonable measures I could take to insulate or prevent air leaks. We paid around $200 for an audit and discovered that a very large percentage of our heat was escaping through old draughty doorlocks! It was a simple cheap fix and made our kitchen and hallway warmer in winter and cooler in summer.

在那之后,I would look to fit light coloured blinds or curtains if you've any large south facing older windows - and if it's hot upstairs check on loft insulation as this is a relatively affordable upgrade with tangible benefits and ROI - I noticed ecoHOME has lots of info on insulation at //www.esb-agile.com/guides/query/insulation/