Do you need a vapor barrier with cellulose insulation?


Do I need a standard 6 mil poly vapor barrier with dense cellulose exterior wall?

jeff Chormann May 1, 2020Last updated: Feb. 28, 2021

我在翻修马萨诸塞州一栋1915年的平房没有墙体隔热材料。我打开了壁腔计划用密集的纤维素来实现R-14。外墙是木板与纸包裹,其次是瓦,然后1/2 celotex泡沫板和乙烯基墙板安装在20世纪80年代。从内部看不出腐烂或渗漏。我的问题是,如果我在石膏板下面的纤维素上面安装一个聚乙烯隔板,会不会导致蒸汽被困在外面的乙烯基/泡沫板和聚乙烯隔板之间。铝箔面泡沫板不是完全紧对下面的瓦,我认为确实允许一些空气运动下面它和乙烯基墙板。


Responses (2)

jeff Chormann 2 years ago

Gregg- Thanks, why do you favor rockwool? Due to its being less prone to moisture issues? I agree with the idea of a breathable membrane on the inside where I will be putting up blueboard and plaster skim coat.