Where should I put a vapor barrier / vapor retarder?



Jeffrey Connell March 14, 2020Last updated: Sept. 9, 2020

我打算给一座旧的木结构建筑增加外部绝缘材料。内墙将是木镶板附着在梁的外面。对于下一层,我想用防潮层包裹起来。接下来是6到8英寸的坚硬的岩棉绝缘材料,然后用带子捆扎外护套、木板和木条。我读到过,最佳方案是将三分之一的绝缘材料放在阻汽器内,三分之二放在外面。在包裹防潮层之前先铺上一层隔热层,然后在外面再铺上两层(或三层),这样做有意义吗?Thank you.

Responses (4)

Jeffrey Connell 2 years ago

No air conditioning. North shore of lake Ontario.

It seems normal, practical, to put the vapour barrier on the outside of the interior wall, then add on the insulation. On the other hand it seems theoretical, or technical, to put on one layer of insulation, then the vapour barrier, and then the rest of the insulation. I am happy to go with theory over practice, just looking to guage a nod one way or the other.

Jeffrey Connell 2 years ago

Or to gauge, as the case may be.

Mike Reynolds
Mike Reynolds 2 years ago


If you have it sandwiched between two rigid sheets that could work well also, as long as you have a plan for how to hang it since there wouldn't be any solid surface to attach it. I think you're good either way Jeffrey, seems like you have a good understanding of sensible construction.