Canada continues to demonstrate its progress in fighting climate change with 204 registered and 211 certified LEED projects in Canada between May and September 2015. This brings the current total number of LEED certified projects in Canada to 2,466 – second highest in the world.

Buildings play a critical role in the battle against climate change, representing 30 per cent of greenhouse gases generated overall. This role is being acknowledged internationally at the Conference of the Parties (COP) 21 meetings in Paris on Dec. 3, when leaders will, for the first time, dedicate an entire day to addressing how countries can work to reduce the carbon footprint of their buildings.

“This has been a strong year so far and the CaGBC is very proud to see green building and LEED continuing to grow across the country and globally,”says Thomas Mueller, president and CEO of the CaGBC.“Our national efforts are timely, and tie-in well to the Buildings Day that will be held at COP 21, supported by the World Green Building Council.”

“This signals the key role buildings play in reducing carbon emissions around the globe and is consistent with our efforts in pushing for higher levels of performance for Canadian projects through the LEED v4 rating system,”he said.“The next version of LEED will drive the market toward higher efficiency and renewable energy targets, but also engage manufacturers to reduce the environmental footprint of building materials and products.“

Among the most notable projects in this period, the first 12 Canadian projects have now registered under the LEED v4 version of the rating system, and Ecohome’s Edelweiss project has become thefirst LEED v4 certified project in Canada– earning Platinum in late September. LEED v4 projects are held to a higher standard, with an even more rigorous approach to sustainability throughout their life-cycle and an increased focus on the health and wellness of building occupants.

LEED v4 Edelweiss House © Ecohome

Amount of buildings Earning LEED Certification in 2015 (up to sept. 30th):

  • 79 LEED Certified
  • 41 LEED Silver
  • 171 LEED Gold
  • 26 LEED Platinum

Projects that earned LEED certification in the summer months include:

  • The Richardson International Airport Terminal in Winnipeg, MB, which certified LEED Silver. Travel contributes to approximately 27 per cent of the world greenhouse gas production and the aviation industry is responsible for approximately 9 per cent of the total travel GHG production. The Winnipeg Airports Authority (WAA) took their commitment to sustainability seriously in constructing this new energy efficient terminal, which has lowered overall airport emissions and operating costs, while providing healthier interior spaces for employees and travelers alike.
  • AB卡尔加里的Centennial Place获得LEED白金认证。该项目在现有建筑:操作与维护类别中获得认证,占地130万平方英尺。位于卡尔加里市中心的欧克莱尔区,有两座塔楼。项目团队的目标是重新启用该建筑,使其性能达到或超过最初的设计,并预计每年的运营成本将因此降低39530美元。可持续发展的特点包括能源之星得分97分,租户积极参与了解绿色建筑计划并为其做出贡献,以及每年从垃圾填埋场转移494吨废物。
  • The Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium in Montreal, QC, which certified LEED Platinum. Designers for this project had the goal of creating something that reflected their vision of “the human being at the heart of the Universe”. Thanks to the cooperation of the City of Montréal and its partners in the project, the implementation and realization of the Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium enlisted the most established as well as the most innovative talents in the fields of architecture and engineering, along with leading experts in the field of sustainable development to earn LEED’s highest level
  • The iNova Credit Union in Halifax, NS, which certified LEED Silver. The goal of this project was to develop a space for the better serves employees and reduces environmental impact. Sustainability features that improve the indoor experience for both staff and customers include: 90 per cent of staff have access to natural daylight, furniture is mix of GreenGuard certified and recycled from old location, carpets are made from recycled materials, and the Credit Union is committed to promoting sustainability in all promotional items.

您可以在CaGBC LEED项目简介网页上查看可检索的LEED项目数据库,其中包括加拿大所有LEED认证项目的详细信息,包括项目记分卡和照片。For more information on LEED v4 in Canada and the project’s who are leading the way –