Renewable energy

Renewable energy wind farm
Renewable energy

What is clean energy?

If you want to improve your carbon footprint but can't afford your own rooftop solar array, you can purchase clean energy credits and have renewable energy offset your power use. What is the cleanest energy? Despite how commonly the term ‘clean energy’ is used, there is actually no such thing. At least not in the…

Solar Electricity Generation & Storage with no Batteries, Azelio
Renewable energy

Azelio Solar solutions combine electricity generation & storage without Batteries

The Swedish company Azelio has an innovative solution for generating carbon neutral electricity with storage that doesn't need batteries. New technology combines solar power generation & battery free power storage The forever-changing landscape of the green home building industry sees ideas come and go, and on…

Decentralized Energy Generation for LEED, Passive House & Green Homes
Renewable energy

Which is the Best Type of Home Energy Generation for Green Homes?

Solar panels good, coal-fired power plant electricity bad. If only it were that simple to choose. We discuss the best alternatives for producing your own power at home, from solar to wind turbines to generator bikes. Home Energy Generation, which option is best? How the electrical grid is fed near you will be a huge…

60 Minutes On This Bicycle Can Power Your Home For 24 Hours (In Theory Anyhow)
Renewable energy

Can you really power your home with a bicycle generator?

Would you exercise for an hour every day if the workout powered your home for twenty-four hours? EcoHome investigates if Bike Generators cut the mustard. Mitigating climate change at home, get on your bike! As we look for ways to mitigate climate change, improving home energy efficiency and decentralising power…

Product of the month: Aquion’s Aqueous Hybrid Ion saltwater home batte
Renewable energy

Aquion’s saltwater home battery

Aquion Energy's Aqueous Hybrid Ion (AHI™) saltwater batteries offer a safe, clean, non-hazardous and hassle-free solution to storing your own power. Updated: Aquion as a saltwater battery is no longer available in North America having moved to China after being bought out. But we've heard about a Dutch company who…

Transparent solar power producing windows
Renewable energy

transparent solar panels

Transparent laminate solar cells put the fossil fuel industry on notice. When considering solar cells as thin as laminate and completely transparent, the possibilities seem endless. Imagine every glass or laminant surface in our built environment and all of our devices, large and small, harvesting solar energy. In a…

Epiphany 0nE Puck
Renewable energy

A 'Stirling' idea for charging your cell phone

Imagine charging your phone with the heat from your morning coffee. With the Epiphany onE Puck you can. The idea behind the Epiphany onE Puck is simple: use a Stirling engine powered by heat disparities (a hot or cold drink, a candle, ice, etc.) to fully charge your cell phone. Invented in the early 1800s, Stirling…

Where to place solar panels
Renewable energy

Where to place solar panels

An introduction to the math behind the placement of solar panels to optimize your yield, and speed up your return on investment. There is a lot you can do in home construction to take advantage of the free energy provided by the sun. That can be passive solar, which is about home orientation and window design to…

Bullfrog clean power
Renewable energy

Bullfrog Power makes clean renewable energy available to all of us.

Electricity is clean at its destination but can be very dirty at its source. Not all of us have the means to install solar panels or wind turbines, but with the help of Bullfrog Power you can live a greener lifestyle hassle-free. Bullfrog’s green electricity comes exclusively from wind and hydro facilities that have…

tidal power generators
Renewable energy

Tidal generators offer a predictable supply of renewable energy

Renewable power sources such as sun and wind present challenges for grid operators in being able to consistently meet demand. Tidal and river generators remove that unknown, and Cornwall, Ontario will soon benefit from a river turbine pilot project. A project started in 2002 by Verdant Power Inc. saw tidal turbines…

Photovoltaic solar panels
Renewable energy

Solar heating and energy generation

It has been estimated that the sun provides as much energy in 15 minutes as humans use in a year. By taking advantage of that with heating and electrical generation, we can work to end our dependence on fossil fuels. Solar energy Our future truly depends on us continuing to develop and implement renewable energy…