Greenhouses and Sunrooms / Solariums

A well-designed & eco-friendly greenhouse is a great addition to any garden, even small urban spaces or green roofs can benefit from the extra growing season that a greenhouse or protected covered glass area can provide - particularily in colder climates. A solarium or sunroom is also a room bursting with the energy of sunlight & constructed carefully they can be the “feel good” room in your home. Build a solarium or greenhouse though without due consideration to the basics of building science can result in a glass room that's either too cold, or too hot to use, so be sure to use our guides below to make the best choices for practicality & for a better environment for both plants & humans alike!

Greenhouse Construction for Cold Climates
Greenhouses and Sunrooms / Solariums

How to build a greenhouse in a cold climate

Three greenhouse owners share their construction methods and experiences for building greenhouses in cold climates where the benefits accumulate for food production. Growing Fruits and vegetables all year round in Canada or the colder parts of North America would be wonderful but, sadly, our climate limits us to a…

Solariums in cold climates won't heat homes unless carefully designed and built
Greenhouses and Sunrooms / Solariums

Solariums in cold climates won't heat your home

Solariums and sunrooms in cold climates will not add heat homes as commonly thought, unless carefully designed for Passive Solar Gain. Solariums have been gaining in popularity over the last 20 years, as many homeowners have found them to be a very enticing solution to brightening up a long winter. They are made…

7 Principles of a super abundant, solar, year round greenhouse
Greenhouses and Sunrooms / Solariums

7 key principles for an abundant greenhouse

The year round off-grid greenhouse demystified, a Guest Post by Lindsey Schiller. As a native Californian transplanted into a much cooler climate (Western Quebec), I find myself mourning the loss of fresh local seasonal fruits and veggies all year long, which I understand is a first world problem on a few different…