Future-proofing homes for Climate Change:

Anticipating future climatic challenges and constructing resilient buildings to withstand them在建造任何新房时,都应该是一个重要的考虑因素——但我们经常被告知“绿色住宅成本更高”,太多的人在面对普通住宅建筑商的抵制时决定,一个符合规范和他们的预算的新住宅就足够好了。我们认为这种观点已经过时了。

Whether or not we agree on the causes of climate change, and whetherbuilding more efficient homes可以帮助减缓或逆转这一过程,我们至少可以尽我们最大的努力做得更好,通过了解哪些选择可以在不增加额外成本的情况下建造更好的房屋,并在这个过程中建立对极端天气条件的适应能力,因为当气候条件和大自然母亲向我们投掷弧线球时,我们的家庭和家庭受到的影响最大。

While it is impossible to know exactly what the future holds, some of the earlierpredictions about the impacts of climate change are already happening现代建筑实践应该反映出这一点。虽然不能将单个事件单独归因于气候变化,但我们所看到的事件的类型和频率完全是气候科学家所预测的,不能再被忽视了。

If a 'once in a century' storm now comes by a couple of times in a decade, we need to factor that in when deciding where and even how we build. Higher global temperatures means more moisture in the air, more turbulent air, and consequently more violent and unpredictable storms. For example, this month in Anchorage Alaska (Jun/Jul 2019), temperatures reached 90°F for the first time since records began, causing authorities to cancel the traditional July 4th fireworks, and prompting Anchorage’s mayor, Ethan Berkowitz to comment "This is unprecedented." But is it? Or is it really inevitable as Climate Change marches relentlessly on?

Let's look at the facts;Anchorage just had 34 days in a row of above-average temperatures — “an exceptional run,” said Brian Brettschneider, a climatologist at the International Arctic Research Center. In Kotzebue though on the shores of northwestern Alaska, that above-average trend has extended for 105 days and counting.

Fact:Asthe nation’s fastest-warming state, according to the Fourth National Climate Assessment阿拉斯加正经历着地球变暖的诸多影响。该州的气温上升速度是全球平均速度的两倍,春季气温比半个世纪前平均高出2到5度。

Fact:One of the more visible changes in the state is the retreat of ice on the Bering and Chukchi Seas, which this year disappeared weeks earlier than normal in some areas. the effects are far reaching as Ice reflects sunlight more than open water, so the ice melting early has an exponential warming effect in the area. Surface temperatures on the seas are about four degrees above normal, while some areas are beating the norm by 10 degrees.“For sea surface temperatures, that’s just astronomical,”said Rick Thoman, a climate specialist at theAlaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy.


We are already paying for our inaction through tax dollars directed at disaster relief, reduced production in many industries, and increased drains on power grids and resources. Most directly perhaps, would be through home insurance rates which are creeping up to cover the added claims we are seeing. And in some cases like flooding, you aren't automatically covered so if you're in a low-lying area be sure to check the small-print on the policy.

Property values are also being affected, as homes built in low-lying areas that have either seen or are at risk of seeing flooding will have significantly less appeal to a buying market that is becoming increasingly more aware of global climate issues.

In California, the wildfires that claimed so many lives and homes promptedinsurance claims for 2017 & 2018 topping $15 Billion——我们都直接或间接地为此买单。


And as we have committed ourselves to emptying one of the biggest carbon lockers on the planet with pipelines stretching from the Alberta oil sands across the continent, there is still one way you can help your kids out since our elected policy makers are failing to do so - let them inherit a house that can handle the mess we are leaving them.

The question should probably be:

"Can we affordnotto build more resilient homes?"

Future-proofing homes: Efficient & Resilient

Since a home built today should be around at least many decades在美国,我们有必要预测一下在不确定的未来气候中我们可能面临的挑战。资源变得越来越稀缺和昂贵,所以你需要更少的能源来运营一个家越好。你是愿意现在为一个更好的家投资,还是在未来的能源账单上烧钱?

Better known Green building certification programs such asPassive HouseandLEEDare a great start, but some other programs that may be on the fringe at the moment likePowerhouse Positive Energy Buildings,Living Building Challenge (LBC) ratingorNet Zero Energy or ZNE labelled homesare the future for efficient & resilient construction.

Increased durability and performance measuresmay add some upfront costs to a building project, but as they can help save on operational and maintenance costs most household's monthly outgoings are going to be similar. As Energy costs & maintenance will see dramatic increases in the future it only makes sense toprotect your investment by building something better, more comfortable, and that will last by being both Efficient & Resilient

Remember, "Built to Code" means "Built toMinimumCode"

It is easy to believe that a brand new house that has met a provincial building code is ready to face climate challenges, but that is far from the truth. Building code continues to improve minimum performance requirements (albeit slowly) as it is being driven by innovation and market demand among other things. Ultimately though,building code is historically a follower not a leader尽管许多建筑业人士正在游说改变这种状况。由于气候变化带来的不断变化的条件,房屋将面临的挑战继续增加,我们最好现在就把这一点考虑到我们的设计中。仅仅因为北美的建筑法规可能不会意识到这一点,再过30年也不能成为忽视事实的理由——今天建造新房子时,我们应该建造更好的房子,使用成熟的技术和材料,坚持让我们辛苦挣来的钱更物有所值。If we want a better Green Home, we are the ones who have to make that happen - and here atThe EcoHome Network, we're all for making Green Building easier.

Climate change isn't justcominganymore, it's here. Data shows that since 1980, extreme weather events around the globe have doubled.The frequency and severity of extreme events like storms, floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires are almost exactly double what they were just a few decades ago.


What you can't see in the home, the quality behind the paint - the very building envelope, is considerably more important than the material in the countertops or the colour of the cabinets, because 15 years from now the cabinets will be torn out and replaced as fashions change, but you certainly don't want to tear down the walls or be pulling insulation out of the attic to change it or to stuff more in. The structure, everything you can't see behind the paint and finish, is the most important part of building a home. Get the building envelope right first, then get the aesthetics and the useability right, and you'll be living in a great home now, and in the future. The time has come to expect far more from a new home than granite counters or double vanities, but then we know that, don't we?

The potential challenges a house may face will vary by climate, but the main concerns that could lead to increased damage to homes would be periods of extreme heat and humidity ;heavier rain fall and in a shorter amount of time; heavier snow loads; high winds; more frequent and sustained power outages and the migration ofharmful insects like termitesto new climates.

Conclusion: Why we need resilient homes?

Recognizing which issues you are most vulnerable to and factoring that into your design can result in a more resilient home, which will last longer and add value. Any question about cost in that process should be carefully considered and calculated in relation to actual and projected savings over the homes lifespan.Having a resilient homewill also offer improved security to your family. As we move into an uncertain future, our kids will need all the help we can give them, and being able to will them anautonomous and durable house in the futureis a great start.

I'm going to end this with a quote, because this young lady has captured the hearts and minds of such a widespread demographic for "telling it as it is:"

  • "Our house is on fire. I am here to say, our house is on fire. [...] I want you to act as you would in a crisis. I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is."Greta ThunberginNo One is Too Small to Make a Difference

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