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Permeable laneways and patios

Permeable paving encompases many different building materials; however, it's preferable to make sustainable choices & to install permeable pavers & patios to allow water to flow through the surface. While non-porous materials direct water to storm-drains, these porous surfaces help ground water recharge by allowing water to permeate into the ground. These alternative materials can also filter pollutants & solids from the water as it percolates through them. Permeable paving is becoming more popular among Green home, LEED & Eco-friendly home owners in the past couple of years as the benefits become better known & products improve. These paving option doesn’t just look good; they're beneficial to our built environment. Consider permeable paving slabs or pavers in large walkways, driveways or patios for your next sustainable garden project , relax & enjoy outdoors knowing you're helping nature around your home every time it rains.

How do I find a contractor to install a permeable walkway and driveway?

Posted by Mohammad Murtaza Feb. 20, 2021, 2:13 p.m. Permeable laneways and patios 1 Responses