Wooden roof/ Green Building & Sustainable Home Renovation Information & Advice

Metal roof with solar panels
Roof coverings

How to choose roofing materials

...roofs- intensive and extensive: Greenroof© Ecohome An intensive greenroof, also known as a ‘rooftop garden’ refers to planting areas that have a depth of 6 inches and up. Deeper soil supports a greater variety of plants such as vegetables, shrubs and even small trees. Extensiveroofs are designed primarily...

Mineral wool insulation in roof by Rockwool - LEED Platinum V4
Roof assemblies - new construction

Mineral wool insulation in roofs by Rockwool

...roofinsulation used to best effect: Watch more Green Building Video Guides on the EcoHome YouTube Channel here The Ecohome's Edelweiss House LEED Platinum certified V4roofis a 2/12 pitch insulated to R95 with Rockwool (formerly Roxul) mineral wool batts. R95 far exceeds the most rigorous Canadian building code...

Prefab Passive House & LEED Kit Homes for Sale in Ontario & North Eastern US
Concept and design

Prefab Passive House & LEED ready kit homes - the future of buying a new home?

...roofing Chosen High-Performance Cladding &Roofing Materials Brands : Maxi Forest, white cedar coating Idealroof, metal cladding Maçonnex, metal coating Non-toxic materials for walls & ceilings Materials for the interior were specifically chosen to maintain a high standard of clean indoor air quality , f...

How to Insulate Exterior Walls from the Outside US Canada Ecohome
Walls and Roofs

The easiest way to insulate walls from the exterior in older homes

...roofing, or for reducing off-gassing to protect indoor air quality. See our page on choosing the right building insulation for the right application Once you determine the approximate amount of insulation you want to install on exterior walls and the type(s) of insulation you are open to using, then you need to fin...

Choosing between OSB or Plywood for house sheathing for Roofs, Walls & Floors.
Wood and organic materials


...roof; is plywood or OSB best?: In an ideal world you would schedule yourroofconstruction during a dry period if possible. Depending on yourroofing design, allow time for membranes to be installed, or at the very least get a tarp on it before it sees any rain.Roofs are probably the better of the applications for O...

Tesla Solar Roof Cost Comparison, Competitors & Reviews
Solar photovoltaic

Are Tesla solar roofs worth the money? Are there any competitors? Our take on the future of BIPV

...roofs by several inches. Contrary to that, the low-profilerooftop solarroofoption, which is also known as BIPV (building-integrated photovoltaics), are solar shingles or tiles that are installed directly ontoroofsheathing in areas of high solar exposure, and are used in conjunction with conventionalroofing materi...

Diving to retrieve sunken timber from the log drive
Recycled and Reclaimed Materials

Reclaiming sunken timber from the log drive

As a kid growing up along the Gatineau River in Quebec, watching tugboats pulling log booms down the river was commonplace, and logs that got loose were a great source of entertainment and exploration. Any that were big enough to hold a bunch of kids for log rolling competitions were highly coveted. There were legit...

R values and insulation performance
Efficient home design

Understanding thermal performance

...roofs typically absorb more solar energy than do lighterroofs. On a sunny day with 25°C [77°F] ambient air temperature, three adjacent black, grey, and whiteroofmembranes on the same building [see above photo] were measured to have maximum surface temperatures of approximately 75°C, 65°C, and 50°C [167°F, 149°F, and...

Insulation and soundproofing

Rigid insulation panels: which ones to use for different applications

...roofing insulation. As a versatile choice for commercialroofing applications, polyiso is designed to be part of any modified bitumen, built-up, or single-plyroofing system. Polyiso products feature a facer for high strength and excellent absorption for both hot mopping and adhesive attachment methods. The product als...

Roxul mineral wool batt insulation in LEED Homes
Insulation and soundproofing

Choosing the right insulation: the pros, cons and applications for walls, slabs & basements

...roofing. Insulation batts are not rated for soundproofing, but still outperform most other materials for sound reduction. Be sure to get the right product for the right application. Rock wool in interior walls reduces sound between rooms and floors, as well as offering fire protection. Below grade durabilit...

Building science for LEED v4 wall design made easy
Concept and design

Building science for LEED v4 wall design made easy - video

...roofpitch (2/12), and the added weight that would be coming in the form of soil for our liveroof(greenroof). This gave us a deep cavity for insulation, with Roxul batts totalling R95. 5. The height of the south wall along with the large openings to facilitate natural light and passive solar heat gain meant the he...