Siding installation tips/ Green Building & Sustainable Home Renovation Information & Advice

Siding Choices - Board and batten siding
Exterior cladding

Choosing the right exterior siding for fitting, cost comparisons & appearance

...Sidinginstallationtips: Whateversidingyou choose, creating an air space behind it where water can drain and moisture can dry is the key. The following video is about woodsidinginstallation, but includes simpletipsfor creating a breathable air space to allow walls to dry. You can also read our Guide onSiding...

Installing Siding Correctly
Exterior cladding

How to install siding

...siding一个无害地消耗掉的机会。The air space betweensidingand sheathing should also allow humid air to escape. In order for both of these actions to take place, whensidingis installed correctly there needs to be a continuous space behindsiding水可以流出,空气可以流动。Commonsidinginst...

Can I legally put a Tiny House on my Property?
Tiny house

How can I put a Tiny House on my property legally in the USA ?

...installation? We suggest you raise it up so the wheels are off the ground to prevent dry rot, then drop it on piers and strap it to ground mounts. In the case of earth quakes, (all but ‘the big one’) a tiny house on wheels that gets shaken off its piers would most likely land fairly gently on its pad if its only a fe...

Snowboarder, Mike, Basich's, off-grid cabin in the woods with hot tub
Tiny house

Off-grid tiny house in the heart of the Sierras.

Snowboarding pioneer and photographer Mike Basich built himself an epic Tiny off-grid cabin. Without a bedroom or bathroom per se, but equipped with a hot tub and chairlift, this gorgeous Tiny House is most perfectly situated in the heart of the Sierras. © Mike Basich Basich began his career ...

Correct window installation details
Windows and doors

How to install windows

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How to Vent Roofs - the Methods, Vent Types, Fans
Walls and Roofs

Why Roofs need to be ventilated and how to ventilate a roof properly


White pine floors finished with Rubio Monocoat, a zero VOC durable oil
Flooring and stairs

Sanding your own wood floors


Correctly installed Triple pane south facing windows on Ecohome's Demo House
Windows and doors

Installing doors & windows for the best performance in high efficiency homes, LEED & Passive House

...Tips和下面的视频了解具体细节,并考虑作为免费会员订阅EcoHome,因为我们经常提供环保EIFS产品的会员专属优惠。How to Install Windows & Doors Correctly The following window and doorinstallationtips将改善任何建筑结构,无论是新建住宅,……

Greenhouse Construction for Cold Climates
Greenhouses and Sunrooms / Solariums

How to build a greenhouse in a cold climate

...installationof a ventilation system powered by solar panels is planned for the future. Growing season: At present, it is used for a little over three seasons; there are about 2-3 months where it is not currently in use. Pierre plans to add a rocket stove and geothermal heating system in the future to extend the grow...

How to Build Homes & Protect Homes to Stop Wildfires
Concept and design

How to protect your home from fire - a burning need to know.

...sidingat or near grade level, firewood piled against the house, fencing and sheds attached to the house, trees close to the house and so on. Recent studies found that wind-driven embers hit the house and drop to the ground at the wall, which is where they set fire to anything combustible. Wright pointed out that the...

Mobile tiny house
Tiny house

Is Tiny House living in a cold climate good or bad for the planet?
