Hot tubs/ Green Building & Sustainable Home Renovation Information & Advice

The Methane Midden compost water heater that surpassed its goal on kic
Plumbing and water heaters

Compost pile hot tub water heater

We found this video at Whole Systems Design , a New England based company who identify, design, and develop human habitats. In their own words from their website : "We design and implement regenerative food, fuel, and shelter systems that operate on current solar energy. These are homesteads, farms and schools fit for...

Snowboarder, Mike, Basich's, off-grid cabin in the woods with hot tub
Tiny house

Off-grid tiny house in the heart of the Sierras.

...hotographer Mike Basich built himself an epic Tiny off-grid cabin. Without a bedroom or bathroom per se, but equipped with ahottub and chairlift, this gorgeous Tiny House is most perfectly situated in the heart of the Sierras. © Mike Basich Basich began his career as one of the pioneers of s...

Saving Energy in Swimming Pools and Hot Tubs - Our Top Tips to Save Money
Natural swimming pools and ponds

Top tips for energy efficient swimming pools - reduce pool cleaning & running costs

...hottubsreally do devour energy! Here’s one fact we unearthed - homes with swimming pools orhottubsconsume, on average, double the energy of homes without pools. Now that’s bad, very bad! But the good news is, there are many ways to reduce swimming pool energy consumption as well ashottub energy costs. The ma...

Solar thermal collectors

Product of the month: Solar water heater with overheating protection

...hotwater you consume. Keep in mind that the cheapest way to ensuring a solar collector provides a high percentage of your water heating is to reduce demand – it will cost you much less to install low-flow shower heads and fixtures than it will to buy an extra panel to meet all yourhot水的需求。太阳能installat……

Are Small Wind Turbines for Homes Any Good?
Wind power

Is this the safest and most powerful small home wind turbine yet?

Countless inventors are stepping up to the plate with the latest and greatest green technologies that will save the planet. This is great to see, but the waters of sensible change will no doubt be muddied along the way by some failed attempts, some questionable claims, and perhaps even a little snake oil! We found t...

Solar Air Heating Panels for Homes - How to Build DIY
Solar thermal collectors

All about solar air heaters - DIY or purchased

How solar air heaters work: Solar air heater diagram © Ecohome The above diagram indicates the basic concept of a solar air heater, and while there are many designs, the basic principle is the same - a small fan feeds interior air into a south-facing wall-mounted panel. Air is heated as it passes behind a blac...

Concrete floors and timber frame as thermal mass
Efficient home design

The pros and cons of thermal mass in buildings

...hotcoffee - a veryhotcup will drop its first 10 degrees much faster than it will drop ten degrees when it's only lukewarm. To equate that same principle to an old house and lowering the thermostat, less heat loss occurred during the day when the house was cooler because that decreased the differential between the ...

Trinity portable wind turbine for charging devices
Wind power

The Trinity portable wind turbine will charge your gadgets on the go.

We've seen portable charging devices for personal gadgets, we've seen vertical axis wind turbines and now we have seen a marriage of the two. That's right, appropriate technology enthusiasts, there is a portable wind turbine on the horizon and it's perfect for charging your electronic gizmos. Skajaquoda is a researc...


Lights, appliances and all things electrical

There are a lot of options to consider when shopping for appliances, designing home lighting, and heating your home. These pages outline some things you can do that will help reduce your consumption, and despite what is sometimes a higher sticker price, usually save you money. Home lighting There are many factor...

How to Fix a Leaky or Dripping Faucet Easily

How to fix a Leaky Faucet for under $1 (and stop that tap dripping!)

...hotand cold water supply lines. Hopefully, whoever fitted the original faucet also thought to fit shut-off valves on thehot以及通向水槽的冷供给线(见下文)。我们的水龙头有两种不同的类型,左边的是一个球阀,只需转动四分之一圈就能关闭,右边的……

Urban farming


How to grow vegetables & fruits in a garden Plants survived long before humans were around to water them, so we aren't talking about reinventing the wheel here , but rather a sensible choice of plants and basic water management. Native species of plants in a given region have adapted to their own climate and can usu...