Energy efficient & Eco friendly swimming pools - are they even a thing?!

当前的全球形势使保持健康和享受与家人在一起的时间(主要是在家里)变得更加重要。In light of that, we’re going to assume that many people will want to relax in their own pool or spa, despite them not being very green, unless of course it’s anatural swimming pool.


If you’re lucky enough to have a swimming pool or hot tub at home, then you’ll no doubt already know that they take quite a lot of maintenance and can be very costly in terms of heating and running costs even after they’ve been paid for.

how to save energy while keeping pools and hot tubs clean & healthy
Hot tubs might be a relaxing place, but not if you're worrying about the energy costs for running them!

Personally, I don't have a swimming pool now, but from times in the past I know how wonderful a swimming pool is to have at home. I also know first hand that looking after a pool can be time consuming, not to mention a money sucking nightmare unless you know what you’re doing!


Interesting sidenote, Quebec in Canada is “pool central” of North America!


Quebec adds around 4000 pools every year, which has prompted the local energy provider Hydro Quebec to produce some very handy calculators to help you work out what the energy costs will be – one for calculatingswimming pool energy costs here, and one for working outhot tub energy costs here.

As most of you reading are not in Quebec where power is very cheap, the differential cost of electricity will have to be factored in. But these are still a useful point of comparison for some of the following energy saving tips we’re going to share for home pool cleaning and operation.

Swimming pools and hot tubs really do devour energy!

Here’s one fact we unearthed - homes with swimming pools or hot tubs consume, on average, double the energy of homes without pools. Now that’s bad, very bad!

但好消息是,有很多方法可以减少游泳池的能源消耗和热水浴缸的能源成本。The main way being, to build a more efficient pool from the start (and we will soon have an article on that, so be sure tosign up for free membershipso you know when we publish it).


Carefully aiming swimming pool jets saves energy and time

Firstly, here’s a free tip for reducing cleaning requirements for swimming pools, and saving time and energy in the process - aim the pool jets in a consistent direction to move water in currents towards the suction grids and skimmers.

In this author's experience, carefully aiming the jets in a 35ft x 16ft pool to create a circular current caused all the debris in the pool – pollen, leaves and insects with poor navigational skills - to one central point. This made for an easy clean up and saved time and energy on pumping and filtration.

Save energy by Directing pool jets in a circular pattern to keep pools cleaner
A significant amount of energy and time in cleaning swimming pools can be saved by simply adjusting the jets.

This current also brought the surface debris around to the skimmers, which we fitted with "a washable skimmer sock system" to take out the maximum amount of larger debris.


Buy and fit a good quality timer for pool filtration systems to save electricity

This tip is only for those without a heat pump for heating your pool water.If you do have a heat pump, then you’ll have to either put that on the same timer routine, or not use one at all, as they rely on the filtration pump pushing the water around in order to cycle the unit heating the water.

Otherwise, if you havesolar panels for heating your pool, be sure to fit a thermostat and motorized valve arrangement to only circulate the water when it’s hotter in the solar accumulator than the pool, or it will work in reverse and cool your pool instead by radiating the heat out through the panels.


Purchase and use a pool cover and save on energy for heating.

If you have a swimming pool, it’s very likely that you will own a pool cover. If you don't, here’s why you should think about it being your next purchase. And, even if you do own one, you may not actually be using it properly so this tip is for you too!

Pool covers keep your pool clean and save money and energy

As we explained in detail in our guideHeating a Swimming Pool - Top 10 Tips for Cost-Efficient & Eco-friendly ways to heat a pool, investing in a pool cover will prevent water evaporation, and it saves energy. You could save as much as 50% compared to pools that don’t get covered when not in use.



Efficient pool filtration systems save energy



正如我们上面提到的,我们在撇脂器上安装了泳池短袜系统,取得了很大的成功。但我们的泳池里以前会有很多狗毛和山羊毛,还有花粉,所以这台机器会把所有的东西都过滤掉,让沙子过滤器的压力更低,这就决定了什么时候需要反冲洗。Backflushing is bad for at least 3 reasons:

  1. Backflushing wastes water
  2. Backflushing wastes chemicals and puts them into the water table or sewage systems
  3. 然后用冷水替换回冲的温水。

There are three different types of filters for you to choose from too: cartridge, DE, or sand filters. Whichever one you choose ultimately determines the amount of energy you use. The cartridge filter doesn't require backwashing like the other two filters and is the most energy efficient because of its low resistance to water flow. But from time to time, most of these cartridge filters will need replacing unless youchoose a washable one.

Another way to conserve energy, is to run your pool’s pump in shorter intervals, for example, 5 to 6 hours rather than the standard 8 hours. However, we’d suggest running it during the day so you don’t accidentally forget about it after a few sweet sherries and leave it running overnight. We would call that defeating the purpose…


We would also advise making sure your pool equipment is up to par, and that it was bought from a credible dealer and working correctly. This is a win-win, for both your bank balance and the environment!

ENERGY STAR certified and multi-speed pool pumps save energy

On the back of our previous point, with millions of you already having swimming pools (and hundreds of thousands being built every year) and given that pool pumps are a pretty major component, we think it’s important to mention how much electricity ENERGY STAR certified pumps can save.

You may not even be aware of just how much energy simply running your pool pump is wasting if you happen to have bought a standard quality pool pump.

Basically, ENERGY STAR pool pump speeds vary based on the pool's operation. For example, regular everyday filtration only requires half the flow rate of running a skimmer type pool cleaner. Conventional pool pumps on the other hand, with only one speed, are set to run at the higher speeds required of the pool cleaner, so they consume unnecessary amounts of energy during the regular filtration operation by running faster than is really needed.

Opting for an ENERGY STAR certified pool pump can save you considerable amounts of energy, as reducing the pump speed by one-half allows the pump to operate on only one-eighth of the energy. These pumps can run at different speeds and be programmed to match the pool operation with its appropriate pool pump speed. ENERGY STAR certified pool pumps generally have more efficient motors and advanced hydraulic designs.

It’s worth looking out for an ENERGY STAR certified pool pumps specifically as they have been independently tested and certified to save energy and money. In fact, here’s what’s been proven:

  • ENERGY STAR Certified in-ground pool pumps use up to 65% less energy than standard pool pumps and can save more than $450 a year in energy bill costs; and,
  • Certified above-ground pool pumps use about 17% less energy and can save more than $130 over the lifetime of the product.


所以lar powered heating system saves energy while extending comfort

While the initial cost of installing solar water heaters might be high, in the long run it makes financial sense. You can even connect the solar panels so they can serve both your home when they are not required for the pool - formore details on solar heating of pools, see here.

Choose and install a high COP rated Heat Pump Pool Heater to save electricity

Getting the best heat pump for your installation and setting it all up to run at maximum efficiency and electricity savings is best left to a swimming pool specialist, as there are many factors to take into consideration. For a full description of HPPHs and their sizing, how they save energy, and as solar heating systems for pools, see ourhow to guide on energy saving ways to heat a pool here.

Robotic pool cleaners save on electricity costs

Robot pool cleaners have revolutionized the swimming pool cleaning task and are an energy saving method of moving toward the goal of ‘greener’ pools.Essentially, they’re a Roomba for your swimming pool - now who wouldn't want one of those!


But don’t robotic pool cleaners use electricity too?

使用自动机器人泳池清洁器节省能源的秘密在于它们是自我维持的。因此,一个机器人泳池清洁器不依赖于你的泳池过滤器、泵或增压泵来产生动力。If you’re anything like me and are a bit of a technophobe as well, I’m sure you're asking yourself ‘How easy is a robot pool cleaner to use?’

Well, let me tell you that using a robotic swimming pool cleaner is as easy as plugging the low voltage transformer into a standard protected exterior outlet, turning on the power supply unit, and placing the robot into the pool.

Robotic pool cleaners also use their own filtration system and catch debris via their own built-in canister. They efficiently eliminate debris and pollutants like algae and bacteria, without generating much heat or producing harmful gases. They use only as much energy as a standard light bulb, an average of about 197 kWh per year.

This also prevents wear and tear on your pool filter, and since it won’t have to work as hard, it also reduces the frequency of filter replacement. Can you imagine the savings already?

Just a little note from me to you though - remember to still run your pool’s pump/filter regularly to circulate the water. It’s just not necessary to have it on while your little robot is doing its thing, and the hours of pump operation can probably be reduced too while still enjoying crystal-clear water.

Lower energy costs for swimming pool maintenance with a robot pool cleaner

Using an average of about 180 Watts, you’ll be consuming 82% less power (820W) compared to your regular booster pump和过滤动力类型的清洁剂,您插入撇脂器,需要超过1000瓦或1kWH运行。你的时间和金钱都将节省下来,更不用说这是一种“更环保”的能源消耗替代方案。

Programmable -机器人泳池清洁机通常包括一个功能,规划清洁时间表。它们中的一些非常聪明,它们可以计算你的游泳池的大小,并为自己编程,以最有效的清洁模式和最小化的操作时间。基本上,设置它然后忘记它。

大多数模型还配备了一个智能扫描系统,所以他们会绘制出你的泳池,并拥有导航的知识,提供100%的覆盖率。这意味着它们不会卡在角落里迷失方向,这多亏了它们的前进和后退马达。如果你有一台Roomba,你可能已经知道机器人清洁工有多烦人了,也就是“救命,我被困在悬崖上了!”所以shop around here online for the best deals on better quality pool robotsis our advice.

Reduced chemicals and water use-有了一个机器人泳池清洁你不需要反冲洗你的游泳池的过滤系统,因此,你将使用更少的化学物质,并将更少的化学物质排放到地下水和当地水道。

Aside from filters, robotic pool cleaners have their own motor running entirely independently of your pool’s pump and main filtration system. This means that the water is finely filtered while it’s cleaning your pool and will provide better water circulation than pressure or suction side cleaners.

Low flow-如果你的泳池使用双泵或变速泵,这些特别有用,机器人清洗器直接从低压源运行,让过滤系统以最低的流量运行最长的时间,实现最大的节能。

What makes of robotic pool cleaners are best?

你可以找到一些低于500美元的机器人清洁工,但平均价格在500美元到1000美元之间。While the inexpensive models will certainly get the job done, premium models have more convenient features such as waterline scrubbing, rapid water release for easy removal, remote controls, and programmable cleaning cycles.

As of yet we haven’t found an ENERGY STAR Certified one, however here are a few that we think would do the trick:

Dolphin E10 (for above ground pools)- Designed for above ground swimming pools up to 30 feet in length. It takes less than 2 hours to clean your pool with built-in water filtering and scrubbing.

Dolphin Nautilus CC Plus (for inground pools)-适合长度达50英尺的游泳池。电力电缆长60英尺,有一个独特的旋转机构。诺第留斯号有一个滤筒,而不是反效果的袋。它可以在短短2小时内清洁大型泳池,包括双刷刷和内置时间表使用3个设置:每天,每隔一天,或每3天。海豚清洁工是超级节能的。平均运营成本约为每小时0.05美元。

SharkVac Series- SharkVac and the SharkVac XL offer two powerful ways to eliminate dirt and debris, they both use smart steering technology that provides an efficient cleaning pattern, scouring pool floors and coves.

Hayward TigerShark-这种清洁剂使用滤芯而不是袋。它有一个三小时的清洗系统和优秀的吸力。它不仅能清洁池底,还能清洁池边,甚至池底的台阶。

AquaVac 500 Series– This one is super easy to use. It has out-of-water sensor to protect the motor by preventing cleaners from running out of the water. It has a modern design with a dual traction system and two cleaning programs - a fast 90 minute pool floor only cleaning setting, or deep 3-hour setting that also includes the walls and waterline cleaning.

Polaris 9400 Sports 4WD- One of the most tech-savvy cleaners of all time. It has a built-in computer system that processes the shape and size of the pool and can clean a pool with a maximum length of fifty feet. It’s ActivMotion Sensor determines the most efficient cleaning method.

Shop and compare robotic swimmming pool cleaners online here.

Cleaning and maintaining swimming pools while economizing energy – conclusion

Overall, it goes without saying that it takes a lot of materials, water, and electricity to build and maintain a pool - which all means lots of energy used.However, it’s quite possible to create a more eco-friendly swimming environment for the whole family to enjoy while saving yourself some money on energy in the process - so long as you take some simple steps.


In terms of pool types and options - chlorine-treated pools, which use a separate filtration system and are built using steel, concrete, and/or fiberglass, are the most common.

However, for those of us who are constantly looking to reduce their carbon footprint, builders should know about the following alternatives…

For instance,natural swimming pools (NSPs), constructed using materials like gravel and clay, have increased in popularity around the globe. These pools use plants—installed near the swimming area—as a natural filtration system. This makes the water safe for swimming without consuming energy or using chemicals.

And the swimming experience of a natural pool is in an entirely different leaque. Its like swimming in a clean lake, so you don't come out itchy and red with stinging eyes from the chlorine. Good old nature, nothing beats that!

Natural solar heated swimming pools are the next best thing to living on a lake as a way to save energy
Natural solar heated swimming pools are the best way to save energy


I see your eyes lighting up here, if you’re thinking about renovating or building your first ever pool, these options are all definitely worth taking a look into and implementing! If you have any extra questions, comments or helpful tips to help save electricity when you’re running a pool or hot tub, please leave a comment below and we will reply.

Now you know more abouteco-friendly, top tips for energy efficient swimming pools, find out more aboutnatural pools, efficient pool heating and all about sustainable home buildingin the pages below and in the EcoHomeGreen Building Guides.

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