We found this video atWhole Systems Design,这是一家位于新英格兰的公司,负责识别、设计和开发人类栖息地。用他们自己在网站上的话说:“我们设计并实现了利用当前太阳能运行的可再生食品、燃料和住房系统。这些家园、农场和学校适合迎接石油峰值、气候变化和经济转型的挑战。"

By running water through a giant compost pile, it was brought from 7 °C to a blistering 62 °C. Not much more needs to be said that the video doesn't say. We love seeing stuff like this, if you come up with your own brilliant backyard inventions or hear of one, by all means tip us off.