A solar igloo at first sounds counterintuitive, but contrast is at the heart of this design concept created by the L. McComber architectural team for Montreal's Igloofest. The solar igloo known as 'Celsius' can be visited free of charge until February 19th at the now famous Igloofest in the Old Port of Montreal.

We were fortunate enough to have a talk with the designer, Laurent McComber (L. McC.). Here are some questions and answers from that conversation -

Us: Where did this unusual idea come from?

L. McC我们与其他六家建筑和设计公司一起,受到Igloofest的邀请,在Nordik村建造一个临时的冬季住宅。这个想法是团队合作的结果。我们想创造一个安静、安静的空间,以逃避城市和节日的喧嚣。

Us: So what exactly is Celsius, the solar igloo?

L. McC: Celsius is a contemporary interpretation of the traditional Inuit shelter, with solar power used to provide the energy needed to heat and illuminate the igloo..

Us: Can you describe the igloo?

L. McC: Sure, the walls are comprised of a light wooden frame covered with a matt black air barrier. In contrast, the completely white interior mimics the traditional and very efficient form of the igloo. Interior walls are composed of white cloth supported by a thin steel structure.

Us: Are we correct in assuming the notion of contrast is at the heart of this?

L. McC:是的。当你进入冰屋,你就从黑到白,从冷到暖,从喧闹到寂静。室内气氛温暖舒适,这与你从外面看到它的感觉完全不同。


L. McC: Celsius seeks to reproduce the soothing effect and introspective environment that you find in the interior of an igloo. Superior insulation with contemporary techniques and materials not only influences building performance, but brings comfort and well-being as well.

© L. McComber – architecture vivante

Us: What is Celsius insulated with?

L. McC: The igloo is insulated from the noise and cold by 10,000 pounds of recovered clothing loaned to us for the event. The key to its performance is the continuity of the vapor barrier (interior) and the air barrier (exterior).

Us: How is the sun used to heat and power the igloo?

L. McC在南墙的凹进部分是太阳能空气加热板,白天吸收太阳的热量,储存在热质长凳上,晚上散发热量。On the roof are photovoltaic cells that charge batteries which then powers interior lights and the outdoor LED display .

© Raphaël Thibodeau


L. McC: There are buildings that are heated with solar power in Quebec, but they are almost all private residences. The originality of this project stems from the fact that it is an artistic installation open to the public. This is an experimental project made with limited means, and with the help of several partners. The objective was to raise awareness and demonstrate the potential for solar energy in northern climates.

Us: Hence the name of the Celsius project?

L. McC:是的!这个名字反映了提供一个自然加热的室内环境的基本理念,与来自外部的冰冷形成对比。

Again, the Celsius solar igloo can be visited at Igloofest, at the Quai Jacques-Cartier in the Old Port of Montreal until Sunday, February 19th.

To learn more about :

celsius solar igloo
© Raphaël Thibodeau