Real estate/ Green Building & Sustainable Home Renovation Information & Advice

Real estate

Real estate

For most of us, purchasing or building a home will be the biggest investment of our lives. This section is about knowing what to look for in new homes to get the best value for your dollar, or what to look for in a building lot for the same reasons. What to look for in a location: Being close to where you work a...

Choosing a home and neighbourhood
Real estate

买房子?Some tips for finding the right house and neighbourhood

For most of us, purchasing or building a home will be the biggest investment of our lives. This section is about knowing what to look for in new homes to get the best value for your dollar, or what to look for in a building lot for the same reasons. What to look for in a home location: Being close to where you w...

Real estate

Downsizing your home: buying tips for seniors

...realestateagents and moving companies, older buyers can turn to senior moving services for convenient start-to-finish help during the moving process. Shopping for houses probably isn't what you imagined you’d be doing in retirement, but for many seniors, buying a new home is the first step toward increased financia...

Real estate

Evaluating a home before purchase: how to recognize value and potential problems

...realbonus, and another indication of a conscientious builder. Insulation: It's hard to tell how well insulated a house is without ripping open a wall, but it's not a bad idea to ask the agent for details about the construction; with luck there may be some info at your disposal. Attics are easier to check; look for p...

The LEED Platinum infill house in Toronto
Real estate

Farnham Avenue House

This article was originally published in ecoHouse Canada , Winter 2014/15 issue. Kyle England is an architect with William Dewson Architects, Farnham Avenue House is a single-family detached residential infill project. Some of the eco-friendly design aspects are time honoured such as, verti...

Real estate

Are you selling a house? Here are the top 10 things homebuyers look for

A market study by AVID Ratings Canada for the Canadian Home Builders' Association (CHBA) surveyed 12,000 homebuyers across Canada to see what Canadians are looking for when they go house shopping. We were pleased but not at all surprised by the results - here they are: The top 10 assets that homebuyers value: 1. W...

Lockeport Beach House
Real estate

Lockeport Beach House wins Canadian Green Building award

Originally published by our print affiliate SAB Magazine Jury comments: This house has a light environmental footprint that derives from the philosophical approach taken by both the client and the architect. It combines responsible siting and construction strategies with low-energy consumption and net zero water use...

As our climate adapts to human carbon emissions, homes have to change
Lifestyle and environment

Changing homes in a changing climate

...reality that we are facing is that climate change is making storm events more frequent and much worse. While buildings that follow high performance standards like LEED and other programs can help reduce the rate of climate change, how else can we adapt? Why do we need to build more resilient homes? How do we buil...

Choosing a building lot

Things to look for when purchasing land for building a house

It is not illegal to sell an unbuildable lot, so buyers beware. Any number of roadblocks can prevent you from building the house you want, or any house at all, so before you make a purchase make sure you can proceed with your plans. Issues to consider before making an offer: Zoning: First check that you are allowe...

Lifestyle and environment

Resources and getting started

Choosing between buying, building or renting 1. Building a new home. Building a sustainable and energy efficient house is not necessarily more expensive than building a house simply to meet provincial building codes. Many new home starts have achieved far superior performance while still coming in the same or lowe...

Skygarden House home renovation in Toronto, Canadian Green Building winner
Real estate

This beautiful Renovation in Toronto is a Canadian Green Building Award Winner

The Skygarden House is a winner of the Canadian Green Building Awards and is a great example of the kind of transformation and performance enhancement that is possible with dilapidated houses in urban cores. *** The renewal of this beautiful century old, 225 m2 single family residence on a small urban lot in Toron...