Radon stack/ Green Building & Sustainable Home Renovation Information & Advice

Radon Mitigation - Installing a radon evacuation stack in a slab floor
Radon in Homes - Mitigation

Mitigating radon gas in homes

...radongas and stomach cancer, colon cancer and some types of blood cancer.” - David Innes,RadonEnvironmentalRadonevacuationstacks: Aradonstackcan be passive or active. A properly installed sub-slab barrier and passivestack是一个很好的开始,在高风险地区或更棘手的情况下进行翻新…

Crawlspace radon barrier installation for radon mitigation
Radon in Homes - Mitigation

Removing radon gas from basements and crawlspaces

...radonstackinstallation ©RadonWorksRadonexhauststacks - placement to avoid freezing in cold climatesRadonstacks are often brought up through the walls and vented out through the roof like a plumbingstack. The intention of that design is to keep it far enough from open windows to prevent theradong...

Why Radon maps by state or province shouldn't replace testing

Radon Levels by State & Province - Why a Radon Test is Essential

...Radongas symptoms?Radonis an odorless, colourless, radioactive and carcinogenic gas. There are no immediate symptoms of exposure toradonand no way to sense if you are in an environment with unsafe levels ofradon- except byRadontesting for existing homes, withRadonremediation for homes with highRadonlevel...

Non-toxic building materials can improve home air quality
Healthy indoor air quality

Maintaining healthy indoor air quality

...RadongasRadongas is a relatively unknown household danger. Of the people that have heard of it, not many realize the severity of health effects associated with it.Radongas is released through the radioactive decay of uranium , and it is the radioactivity of it that makes it a danger to humans. Health Canada es...

Insulating crawlspaces as part of home renovation
Crawl spaces

How to insulate crawlspaces properly as part of renovating an older home

...radongas . We would recommend having your air tested forradon, and if it is above Health Canada’s recommended safe levels ( 200 Bq /m³), please see our pages onradongas mitigation in crawlspaces . Fixing a dirt floor crawlspace: All too often a crawlspace will have nothing but a dirt floor, and probably some un...

Rain barrels for storm water management and rainwater harvesting
Rainwater Collection & Watering

Introduction to rainwater harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is a great strategy for reducing domestic water use and protecting our homes and the land surrounding it. Harvesting rainwater can lead us to dozens of other practices that bring us into greater sustainability. The three potential sources for harvesting rainwater: Direct rainfall, street harve...

Green building certifications

Powerhouse: the new standard for positive energy design

Powerhouse is a new building standard that originated in Norway, one that certifies buildings that produce more energy over their lifetime than they will use. There are already many positive-production buildings with corresponding standards, but a Powerhouse certified building goes beyond energy performance and genera...

Heating an off-grid home
Off-grid and Net-Zero Housing

OFF GRID LIVING BLOG, PART 4: Off-grid heating systems - lessons learned from our off grid home

这是克雷格·安德森(Craig Anderson)撰写的一篇博客系列文章的第四篇,他记录了离网式LEED黄金被动加热住宅的设计和建造。请在这里查看离网家庭博客的文章1,概述。或者在off-grid homes博客上发表2篇文章,介绍设计和施工选择。或者这里看到pos…

Step by step guide for slab-on-grade home construction
Slab on Grade

Slab-on-grade construction: the ecoHOME A to Z Slab building guide

...radonlevels whenradonconcentrations exceed 200 Bq/m3. Being exposed to high concentrations ofradon长时间工作会使你有患肺癌的风险。To learn all aboutRadonMitigation in homes, see here . INSTALLATION OF MECHANICALRADONMITIGATION SYSTEMS: Inside the perimeter of the slab, dig s...

Installing a rainwater catment system
Rainwater Collection & Watering

Installing a rainwater catchment system

setting up a rainwater catchment system If it is not for financial reasons, why are you installing a water tank? Here are some reasons: To do your part for water conservation; to be able to water your garden with some independence from water restrictions; to use rainwater for laundry, showers and toilets; ...

Slab-on-grade construction technical guide
Slab on Grade

Slab-on-grade technical guide

...Radongas infiltration , so to learn how to preventRadongas levels being high in homes, see here - or to specifically find out how to removeRadongas form basements and crawl spaces, see here . Health, durability and comfort: Despite how common finished basements are, there is a general lack of understanding of ...