Interest free loans/ Discussions

Where would I apply for interest free loan?

...interestfreeloans. You may be able to find a bank that gives better rates for homes certifed LEED or Passive House perhaps, you could try looking on this page...

Posted by Pat Morrison Aug. 31, 2020, 9:18 a.m. Grants and incentives 3 Responses

We installed windows last fall, are we eligible for the grant?

Are we qualified for the grant If we already did energy efficiency upgrades?

Posted by PAUL JONES O/A CASKETS2GO 2021年6月5日,晚上10:13 Grants and incentives 0 Responses

Do you have suggestion for non-toxic closet design company, or materials?


Posted by Nicole Lucas Haimes Oct. 11, 2019, 10:51 p.m. Materials and resources 1 Responses

Can you preheat ERV inlet air?

Have you heard of the option to preheat the ERV/HRV inlet air with a dedicated tube that runs through a heated slab? Similar to a geothermal heat exchanger con...

Posted by A O 2020年4月6日下午12:16 Ground-coupled heat exchanger 2 Responses

How do you replace windows in a double stud wall house?

We have a 1982 double wall envelope house. I would like to expand and replace the windows on the north side of the home. Is there anything special that should ...

Posted by Sasha June 25, 2018, 10:25 p.m. Windows and doors 3 Responses

How to insulate an apartment you don't own?

I'm a tenant, not a homeowner, so I can't tear down drywall and reinsulate but winter is coming and drafts are already getting in. Is there anything I can do t...

Posted by Teresa Cunningham Oct. 21, 2019, 3 p.m. Wall assemblies - renovation 1 Responses


Building a new home (2x6); want to add 2-4" of rockwool on the outside; would like my windows to sit in the outside 1/3 of the frame; most of the windows are s...

Posted by Anwas Qwelten May 30, 2019, 8:16 p.m. Windows and doors 1 Responses