


Tim Blais Feb. 15, 2021Last updated: March 3, 2021

We're very excited to get going on our project! We've secured our land and want to be moving in this coming fall, first step being the right plan to build our dream escape in the forest. We're really looking for the best of all worlds, energy efficient and low cost. Have read many articles. Total “all in” cost of build $235k if our budget – including septic, well, driveway, electrical. Land already purchased, so not incldued in 235k.

下面就是我们梦想的开始。We've refined to the following specifications:

2层楼高的房子-可能带/餐厅/起居的圆形天花板(大约1600英尺)3间卧室-主卧需要不少于12x12 -次卧可以是11x10 -儿童床铺间-可容纳3组双人床(6个卧铺)1间浴室-水槽,厕所,站立式淋浴(36x42或36x48)最小的MudRoom - 6x15将是一个很好的尺寸,可以容纳靴子和手套晾晒,滑雪架,和一个2x8衣柜,带5个单元。混凝土浇筑主楼层,如果可能的话,作为选择(易于维护,从S面朝太阳的良好吸热),燃烧木材的壁炉,如果需要,最小的空间旋转楼梯到二楼。(Ladder as other solution, if there is a toilet & sink on second floor) Approx. 340 sft for dining and living (something like 22’ x 15.5’) Storage for extra blankets, sheets, pillows, towels Screw Piles VS foundation (lowe Steel Roof Ikea Kitchen – laminate countertop, simple 36” fridge, Electric Cook-top stove – range hood, Dishwasher

Stackable washer and dryer Energy Efficient #1

Inspiration projects below and here is a general layout of the land, which is a knoll that slopes on 3 sides, N, E, and S. Is this a project you would be interested in accommodating at this time?

mackay lyons sweetapple - Mirror Point and Enough House would be good inspirations. Others:

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