I have a frost wall built with ICFs, can I install electric wire in floor heat cables and cork flooring?


With an ICF built frost wall can you install electric wire in floor heat cables and cork flooring?

C Whitby Aug. 7, 2020Last updated: Sept. 24, 2020

我住在新斯科舍省,正在建造一座新建筑,我有一个6英尺高的ICF砌块建造的霜冻墙,4英寸的刚性绝缘材料使我在蒸汽屏障上铺设了R20,然后在4英寸的混凝土下铺设了Ouellet OWC-M系列电加热电缆,我将按时付白天的费用,这样混凝土在晚上就会升温。I have R35 in walls and R60 in ceiling


Responses (3)

tony wolff 1 year ago

Doesn't flooring on top of an ICF slab reduce passive solar heat absorption? Won't that ICF constructed frost wall have frost heave issues because it can't get any heat to it?