


steve Roberts Dec. 24, 2019Last updated: Sept. 4, 2020

A small portion of an indoor lap pool in southeastern New York has a drop ceiling and an outdoor deck above it. I believe it has Ice Water Shield or something similar (the roofer retired and cannot be found) and no exterior insulation and no venting on this roof below the outdoor deck.

泳池室内的空气(55%的湿度,在除湿系统下相当静态或更低)与室外平台的3/4英寸胶合板底层相遇,会产生冷凝问题。From the inside of this portion of the indoor pool from interior ceiling to the outdoor deck subfloor is tongue and groove 3/4 inch wood boards, then rigid foam insulation and then faced fiberglass batts and then plywood subfloor of the outdoor deck.

The rigid foam was not sealed (no air barrier) and this portion of the room is below grade and cannot be vented and do not want to rip off the roofing. One suggestion was to put 1/2 inch plywood immediately above the tongue and groove ceiling boards and seal it as air barrier and possibly paint it to also be a vapor barrier. Then use unfaced mineral wool or fiberglass batts. But the tongue and groove boards would be nailed through the 1/2 inch plywood "air tight" barrier layer into 2x4s (no nails in the air). Suggestions on this approach or other ideas? Much appreciate it as i am homeowner trying to get educated on what different people have suggested (contractors/insulators/roofers). Thanks, S.R.

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