Water heater/ Green Building & Sustainable Home Renovation Information & Advice

Gas powered tankless water heaters
Plumbing and water heaters


...waterheaters , on demandwaterheaters and instantaneouswaterheaters are different names for the same thing - domestic hotwatersystems that do not include the storage tank that comes with traditionalwaterheaters. This type ofwater供暖系统在某些气候条件下是有利的,只要他们使用燃气。

Exterior compresssor heat pump water heater
Plumbing and water heaters

Heat pump water heater with exterior compressor

...waterheaters on the market, which, rather than heatingwaterwith an electric coil as a normal electric hotwatertank does, employ an evaporator to extract heat from the air (either interior or exterior) and use it to make hotwater. The byproduct of an air-to-waterheat pump after it extracts heat is cold air, so ...

Heat pump hot water heaters, why they're a good idea
Plumbing and water heaters

How heat pump hot water heaters work and why you should get one

...waterheaters, good or bad idea?Waterheaters are generally the biggest energy drain in a home after heating . so Air-to-waterheat pumpwaterheaters are potentially a big energy saver, particularly when the main heat source in a home is an air source heat pump, as thewaterheater可以有效地“借用”效果…

Solar thermal collectors

Product of the month: Solar water heater with overheating protection

...waterheating, swimming pool heating, or in conjunction with hydronic radiantheaters or radiant floors. The percentage of your heating demand that a collector will provide in any situation depends on solar availability and consumption; meaning, how efficient your home is, how big your pool is or how much hotwateryou...

Solar thermal collectors

All about solar thermal collectors

...waterdirectly, the requirement of glycol as a heat transfer fluid and the problems that it brings with it are a big part of why you don’t see more such systems in Canada. For more on SolarWaterHeaters, read about EcoHome's new concept home with a solar air heated radiant floor that delivers solar heatedwaterin t...

How to fix noisy baseboard heaters

Fixing noisy baseboard heaters, How to stop that clicking easily !

...heaters are… What can I do to stop electric baseboardheaters making clicking and banging noises when they’re turned on? Why do baseboardheaters continue to be noisy when switched off? How to deal with the constant high-pitched buzz from electric baseboardheaters? So it’s normal for baseboardheaters to b...

The Methane Midden compost water heater that surpassed its goal on kic
Plumbing and water heaters

Compost pile hot tub water heater

...waterthrough a giant compost pile, it was brought from 7 °C to a blistering 62 °C. Not much more needs to be said that the video doesn't say. We love seeing stuff like this, if you come up with your own brilliant backyard inventions or hear of one, by all means tip us off.

heat pumps in tandem with heat pump hot water tanks
Heat pumps, geothermal and AC

Increased efficiency with heat pumps working in tandem

...heaterthat offers you only a 1 to 1 ratio. The Voltexwaterheaterfrom AO Smith is an air-to-waterheat pump which extracts heat from the air to generate hotwater, so in the winter that 3 to 1 heating ratio of the first heat pump is transferred to thewaterheater. And the more 'free' heat you have in winter (sola...

Water efficiency
Plumbing and water heaters

How to save money on your hot water bills!

...waterheateris filling up long before the hotwater是枯燥无味的。But with houses that will see a lot of showering, greywaterrecovery systems offer a good return on investment. Tanklesswaterheaters Tanklesswaterheaters © Ecohome Tankless or ‘on demand’waterheaters are small units that fit easily in ki...

Aeratron AE2 ceiling fan

Ceiling fans and air circulation- video

...waterheaterwork together in boosting the efficiency, and the ceiling fan is a big part of making that happen. This video explains the relationship between those systems. Thanks to our sponsor Aeratron for providing super efficient and quiet ceiling fans that fit in nicely with the look of this LEED v4 Platinum certif...

Are low-flow shower heads worth the money?

Are low-flow shower heads worth the money?

...waterheat recovery Drainwaterheat recovery: Before entering yourwaterheater, the coldwaterfeed goes through thin copper pipes wrapped around the drain. Heat from the drainingwatertherefore warms the incomingwaterbefore it enters thewaterheater. This is another big money and energy saver worth the inves...