Thyme/ Green Building & Sustainable Home Renovation Information & Advice

“The perfect lawn” comes with a very heavy environmental cost!

Which are the best bee-friendly & Eco-friendly alternatives to grass lawns in backyards?

...thyme, as one of our personal favorites - less known, but equally interesting.thymegets covered with purple flowers - which bees love - and is resistant to light foot trafficThymeas a ground cover lawn alternative: Like other ground covers,thymeis a very hardy plant It tolerates light trampling, is dr...

Outdoor solar shower
Solar thermal collectors

DIY solar hot water shower for the great outdoors

It might seem like pie in the sky, but with these easy to read DIY instructions from the good folks at the Endeavour Centre your dream of a warm, net-zero shower is well within reach. This tutorial will show you how to make excellent use of an easy to put together, handmade, solar hot water system. Use it to build t...

Celsius Solar Igloo
Solar thermal collectors

Celsius: The solar heated igloo!

太阳能冰屋乍一听似乎有悖常理,但对比是L. McComber建筑团队为蒙特利尔冰屋节设计的核心概念。在蒙特利尔老港口著名的冰屋节上,人们可以免费参观被称为“摄氏度”的太阳能冰屋,直到2月19日。我们……

Concrete floors and timber frame as thermal mass
Efficient home design

The pros and cons of thermal mass in buildings

Materials in a home that act as thermal mass are things like concrete, masonry, ceramic tiles, even a large volume of wood like timber frames. Intentionally adding greater amounts of thermal mass in a building can be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on a lot of factors, and there is no right answer as to wheth...

Correctly installed Triple pane south facing windows on Ecohome's Demo House
Windows and doors

Installing doors & windows for the best performance in high efficiency homes, LEED & Passive House


Thermal batteries for passive solar design
Efficient home design

Thermal batteries: how to passively store heat

What is a thermal battery? Thermal mass of any kind can by definition be called a thermal battery, as it has the ability to store heat. In the context of a house, that means dense materials like bricks, masonry and concrete. Even a jug of water sitting in a sunny window is a thermal battery of sorts as it captures a...

Solar Air Heating Panels for Homes - How to Build DIY
Solar thermal collectors

All about solar air heaters - DIY or purchased

How solar air heaters work: Solar air heater diagram © Ecohome The above diagram indicates the basic concept of a solar air heater, and while there are many designs, the basic principle is the same - a small fan feeds interior air into a south-facing wall-mounted panel. Air is heated as it passes behind a blac...

Are Small Wind Turbines for Homes Any Good?
Wind power

Is this the safest and most powerful small home wind turbine yet?

Countless inventors are stepping up to the plate with the latest and greatest green technologies that will save the planet. This is great to see, but the waters of sensible change will no doubt be muddied along the way by some failed attempts, some questionable claims, and perhaps even a little snake oil! We found t...

Thermal image showing where home heat loss is occurring.
Insulation and soundproofing

How insulation works

Insulation slows the rate of heat transfer, helping keep homes warmer in winter and cooler in summer. How well-insulated your home is will determine how comfortable it is and how much you will spend on energy for heating and cooling, and in some respects, how durable it will be. The transfer of heat (or heat loss) o...

Tesla Solar Roof shingles
Solar photovoltaic

The Tesla Solar Roof: we love the hype, but we'd like to see some actual facts.

Tesla is a powerful brand that when riding on its track record of Electric Vehicles needs to do little but step into a market to get glowing accolades. Some of it is well-deserved, but in the case of their solar shingles that are flooding news feeds, we found very little hard facts behind the big marketing push. To ...

The Hemloft, Joel Allen's secret treehouse near Whistler, BC
Tiny house

This Cool treehouse near Whistler, BC became a global sensation because it used recycled materials off Craigslist!

Definitely one of the coolest pioneers of the Tiny House Movement in BC Canada, the Hemloft Treehouse is made entirely from free and recycled materials. After 2 months of filling his home with thousands of dollars worth of recycled materials donated through Craigslist, Joel Allen finally had all he would need to bui...