Plumbing/ Green Building & Sustainable Home Renovation Information & Advice

Water efficient bathroom fixtures
Plumbing and water heaters

Plumbing & water

...plumbinginvestment and will eat up some real estate in your basement. So at the price of water, don’t hold your breath waiting for the payback on that one. You could also install composting toilets . They don’t use water, they don’t require septic systems, and they don’t pollute waterways. Not necessarily for your d...

Milwaukee expander tool for Uponor pex tubing
Plumbing and water heaters

Plumbing just got faster and easier with the Milwaukee ProPEX expander tool - video

Traditional pex piping is installed by slipping a metal ring over the exterior of the pipe, then slipping a union or any other joint inside and crimping the ring to hold it in place. It works, but given that its success lies in the installer doing a good job on crimping, there is room for error even if that is a small...

Water efficiency
Plumbing and water heaters

How to save money on your hot water bills!

...plumbingand water efficiency , energy efficient home design and all you need to know to build sustainable healthy homes in the Ecohome green building guide pages.

Are low-flow shower heads worth the money?

Are low-flow shower heads worth the money?

...plumbingand water conservation , and all about sustainable and energy efficient home design in the Ecohome Green Home Building Guide pages .

Installing a rainwater catment system
Rainwater Collection & Watering

Installing a rainwater catchment system

setting up a rainwater catchment system If it is not for financial reasons, why are you installing a water tank? Here are some reasons: To do your part for water conservation; to be able to water your garden with some independence from water restrictions; to use rainwater for laundry, showers and toilets; ...

Gas powered tankless water heaters
Plumbing and water heaters


...plumbingwork. More powerful models might even require a complete revision of your electrical power infrastructure. Modern homes are generally set up with 200 amp / 240 volt electrical service capacity. Using an electrical instantaneous water heater would require increasing input current to 300 amps and replacing the...

Ecodrain greywater heat recovery unit
Greywater Heat Recovery

A new design in greywater heat recovery

...plumbingand water heaters in Green Homes here

Slate tile installation in bathrooom
Flooring and stairs

Slate Tile installation - video

We have finished the bathroom counter, floors and shower stalls with a dark slate tile from Glendyne. Slate is a natural stone, so its surfaces have more character and inconsistencies in texture - and at times in thickness - than manufactured tiles. This can mean a bit more effort on the part of installers, but a more...

Grey water and heat recovery shower

EcoVéa: recycled and cleaned shower water

After recently posting a story sharing the brilliance that is the Swedish Orbsys water and heat recycling shower, it was brought to our attention that there is a homegrown Canadian variety as well. The EcoVéa shower by Reveeco is made in Quebec, Canada, and works based on the same principles as the Orbys we recently w...

DIY Bidet Installation Video - Save on Water & Paper

DIY Bidet installation video

Should we consider adding a bidet? Although quite popular in Africa, Asia and Europe, the bidet has been slow to gain popularity in America . Could it be that we are just creatures of habit? Does the idea of a jet of water blasting your nether regions seem a hard leap to make at first? Well, you’re probably not th...

The Methane Midden compost water heater that surpassed its goal on kic
Plumbing and water heaters

Compost pile hot tub water heater
