Extreme weather/绿色建筑和可持续的家庭装修正无穷ormation & Advice

Resilient Homes, why they're important in dealing with Climate Change
Lifestyle and environment

有弹性的家庭;为什么我们需要建立能够承受climate change events

...extremeweatherevents around the globe have doubled. The frequency and severity ofextremeevents like storms, floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires are almost exactly double what they were just a few decades ago. When building a new home, what is Resilient? What you can't see in the home, the quality...

Heat pump hot water heaters, why they're a good idea
Plumbing and water heaters

How heat pump hot water heaters work and why you should get one

Heat pump electric hot water heaters, good or bad idea? Water heaters are generally the biggest energy drain in a home after heating. so Air-to-water heat pump water heaters are potentially a big energy saver, particularly when the main heat source in a home is an air source heat pump, as the water heater can in effect...

The Methane Midden compost water heater that surpassed its goal on kic
Plumbing and water heaters

Compost pile hot tub water heater

We found this video at Whole Systems Design, a New England based company who identify, design, and develop human habitats. In their own words from their website : "We design and implement regenerative food, fuel, and shelter systems that operate on current solar energy. These are homesteads, farms and schools fit for a...

Exterior compresssor heat pump water heater
Plumbing and water heaters

Heat pump water heater with exterior compressor

There are many manufacturers of heat pump water heaters on the market, which, rather than heating water with an electric coil as a normal electric hot water tank does, employ an evaporator to extract heat from the air (either interior or exterior) and use it to make hot water. The byproduct of an air-to-water heat pump...

Outdoor solar shower
Solar thermal collectors

DIY solar hot water shower for the great outdoors

It might seem like pie in the sky, but with these easy to read DIY instructions from the good folks at the Endeavour Centre your dream of a warm, net-zero shower is well within reach. This tutorial will show you how to make excellent use of an easy to put together, handmade, solar hot water system. Use it to build the...

Tyvek home wrap left exposed to wind and UV rays
Air and vapour barriers

Choosing the right house wrap / weather barrier, which is best?

...weatherbarriers and rainscreens play in a wall, choosing the right products and installation tips for optimum performance. They're officially known as water-resistive barriers or WRBs, sometimesweather-resistive barriers, but in practical terms they are more commonly called housewraps andweatherbarriers. With so ma...

Solar thermal collectors

All about solar thermal collectors

What is a solar thermal collector? A photovoltaic (PV) solar collector converts solar radiation into electricity, but a solar thermal collector is much simpler than that. It refers to a device that collects heat directly from solar radiation. That can be as simple and rudimentary as water being pumped through a black t...

Solar thermal collectors

Product of the month: Solar water heater with overheating protection

...extremely hot and sunny days. Having to cover and uncover your solar heater at regular intervals will grate on anyone’s nerves, and that’s even if they’re low and easily accessible, not to mention up on a roof. There is also the risk that you will forget to install the covers or forget to take them off and render the...

Thermal batteries for passive solar design
Efficient home design

Thermal batteries: how to passively store heat

What is a thermal battery? Thermal mass of any kind can by definition be called a thermal battery, as it has the ability to store heat. In the context of a house, that means dense materials like bricks, masonry and concrete. Even a jug of water sitting in a sunny window is a thermal battery of sorts as it captures and ...

heat pumps in tandem with heat pump hot water tanks
Heat pumps, geothermal and AC

Increased efficiency with heat pumps working in tandem

Our previous update covered aspects of the building envelope, which allowed us to reduce the annual heating requirement to about the Passive House standard of 15 kWh per square meter. Windows are a part of that but they are also part of our energy performance strategy. The house is laid out south facing to maximize pas...

Solar Air Heating Panels for Homes - How to Build DIY
Solar thermal collectors

All about solar air heaters - DIY or purchased

How solar air heaters work: Solar air heater diagram © Ecohome The above diagram indicates the basic concept of a solar air heater, and while there are many designs, the basic principle is the same - a small fan feeds interior air into a south-facing wall-mounted panel. Air is heated as it passes behind a black surfa...