在过去的一年之后,我认为我们都可以利用一些好消息;这对家庭和保持健康、幸福的生活来说是一个潜在的胜利。So we were interested to hear that the results of over 20 years of research by the Colorado State University has now reached the stage of being licensed to an emerging US med-tech & biotech American company - Edoceo Devices - who are finishing development ofa ground-breaking rapid testing system for harmful bacteria - see here for more details.

How big is the problem?

Despite American food-chains being one of the safest in the world, the current situation for food related problems in North America is a growing cause for concern- especially the systematic use of antibiotics to prevent infections in animals and fish destined for our plates. Overuse of antibiotics in medical situations is also of growing concern as it is forcing the development of so called Superbugs!

For example, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Food poisoning makes roughly 48 million Americans sick each year. Of those, 128,000 become sick enough to need hospitalization. And of those, 3,000 people die.

In addition, food-borne pathogens take a toll on the economy, with experts calculating that superbugs could cost a cumulative $100 trillion of economic output by 2050.

According to The Harvard Business Review, foodborne illnesses cost America $55 billion a year in medical treatment, lost productivity, and lost wages, not to mention litigation expenses.

The latest CDC estimates are that more than 2.8 million people in the U.S. get sick each year from superbugs, and these infections are the primary cause of death for 35,000 of them.



Colorado state university research about to help US fight virulent bacteria and over-use of antibiotics
It's a sobering statistic - but we need to take superbugs seriously

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is the scientific name for superbugs. According to a review on AMR that the UK government commissioned, superbugs could kill a person every 3 seconds by 2050 … if we don’t take steps now to curb the misuse of antibiotics.

Is there a solution to the "superbug" problem?

The easy answer is yes, but it is going to take more work and investment to produce a testing system that has the potential to significantly reduce the use of antibiotics,and simultaneously detect and prevent virulant bacteria getting into the food production system, or killing large quantities of livestock and fish that are bred in captivity. This is where Edoceo Devices of Colorado is looking to help by taking the groundbreaking technology developed by CSU to a production level.

They arecurrently seeking innovative small investor fundingto fast-track the development and production of a ground-breaking testing platform called B-Detect, which is designed to:

Is there a solution to the superbug problem
  • Be the fastest, easy-to-use, cost effective, portable device that detects the presence of 160 kinds of bacteria when in a virulent (harmful) state.
  • 最终在多个行业站稳脚跟,其第一个进入点是虾养殖场,细菌入侵通常会造成大量作物和经济损失。

B-Detect, using the exclusively licensed technology developed by experts at the University of Colorado is expected to be a simple yet effective device that could positively influence bacterial testing needs, with the ultimate goal to become a portable and affordable device that could spread to home use.

Dr Ken Reardon, Chief Science Officer at Edoceo is Professor and Jud and Pat Harper, Chair of Chemical and Biological Engineering and holds joint appointments in several other programs at Colorado State University, including Cell and Molecular Biology and Biomedical Engineering. His research combines sensor development, bioreactor analysis, systems biology, and applied microbiology and microbial ecology. It's great to see a potential American developed solution to a growing world problem.

If interested in helping bring this solution to market, and becoming small investors through创新Reg。A+投资流程,看这里了解更多信息…

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