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Sustainable Home Construction is Better with The Ecohome Network

The Ecohome Network helps everyone benefit from better built homes

Joining the world's largest independent sustainable building Network creates a Win/Win relationship for homeowners, building professionals & eco-responsible manufacturers alike - and when everyone wins in building - so does the Planet


For everyone

When we say "everyone" we meaneveryone

Let's face Facts - The homes & buildings we live & work in are having a devastating impact on our planet.

Buildings are the biggest source of climate pollution = 39% of global emissions.


With city populations forecast by the UN to double by 2050, our planet cannot sustain the growing impact generated by traditional unsustainable materials & outdated building methods -for the good ofeveryone- buildings have to improve & The Ecohome Network is here to help...

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Lots of Benefits

When we say "benefit" we mean to "win in every way"

Better buildingsare oftenassociated with higher costs, but想象一下如果他们不是!When energy use is dramatically reduced for cooling & heating -it results in savingsby an informed choice of techniques & materials. A bonus isimproved indoor air quality, health& well-being -we all benefitfrom building & occupyingbetterbuildings.

Members of The Ecohome Networkalsobenefitfrommember-exclusive offersfor building products & services from Eco-conscious Manufacturers & suppliers of building materials -helping to makebetterbuildings affordable& chanelling consumer spending intoEco-friendly construction products, Eco-conscious construction Professionals and the most eco friendly Brands.Another Win/Win for people & the Planet.

Yes - I Want to Win !

Better all Around

When we say "better" we meanbetter in every way

Let's put "better" into context with a short video:

Building better homesat thesame price, with the right info & Network isabsolutely possible. What are we waiting for?

Joining The Ecohome Network helps construct better buildings

Yes - I Want a Better Home !


Join The Ecohome Network Today

We're nice people, we're here to help - that's why joining as a free member is such a great idea!We don't spam, we don't fill inboxes every day, we send outone newsletter a monththat is pertinent to sustainable building, renovation & lifestylewith special member offersand a resume of recent articles, questions, guides &the latest Green Building news. Changing preferences or unsubscribing is always easy.

We are a Network, a Team- thebiggest independent sustainable building network in the world- and growing every day.Join us in seconds by clicking the button below

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