Tiny house movement/ Green Building & Sustainable Home Renovation Information & Advice

Tiny Tack House living room
Tiny house

The tiny house movement: Tiny Tack House

...TinyTackHouseis a tidy and efficient design. You may or may not be interested in joining theTinyHouseMovementyourself, but either way, this home will certainly make you think twice about how much space you actually need. To read more about this visit theTinyHouseblog or visit their blog,TinyTackHouse, w...

The Otis mobile tiny house
Tiny house

The Tiny House Movement may have gotten tinier with the arrival of Otis

...tinyhouse, a 96-square-foot structure with a sleeping loft “upstairs” and a 300-watt solar powered electrical system. This semester, his class went one better, constructing a 70 square-foot “living system” that can be towed on a standard 5 X 8-foot trailer. The pod-shapedtinyhouseincludes indoor plumbing in the...

Mobile tiny house
Tiny house

Is Tiny House living in a cold climate good or bad for the planet?

...TinyHouses Worth it? AreTinyhouses a good investment? That depends on your lifestyle and how well you build them. Here are some things to think about before you join theTinyHouseMovementand commit to life in an extremely small space. We have featured a number oftinyhouses on our pages over the past few years...

The Fiction Factory Wikkelhouse tiny house made of carboard
Tiny house

Wikkelhouse: A tiny house made of cardboard

...tinyhouses is that you need to be clever with space use, which leads to things like sliding walls and secret compartments, making them even more appealing. Not all thetinyhouses we post here would work in this climate but they do bring thetinyhousemovementfront and centre and highlight the fact that smaller ho...

A Tiny House for sale locally set me thinking, should I buy a Tiny Home?
Tiny house


...Tinyliving! Now you know more about buying aTinyHome on wheels and why I decided not to live in aTinyHouseFind more pages aboutTinyHouses and resilient green building techniques here : See more photos ofTinyHouses & Laneway Homes See Architect designed prefabTinyHouses for sale ...

Ottawa Coach Houses with prefab modern tiny house kit homes are available here
Tiny house

Ottawa now allows backyard coach homes & high-end tiny house kits

...tinyhousekit homes are available here that can be supplied prebuilt and finished, and delivered ready to connect up to services and use in a matter of weeks! Why build atinyhouseor coachhouse? There are a myriad of reasons - in-law suites, rental properties, even getting your 30-something out of thehousein ...

Sustainably built Prefabricated Tiny houses from FabCab
Tiny house

Tiny Houses: The FabCab prefabricated building WA

...TinyHouses on foundations rather than wheels, and also offer custom design work. Different packages are available starting with just the timber frame and shell (walls, windows and doors), up to complete interior packages. FabCab is not alone in the move towards sustainability in thetinyhousemovementin Washington...

The Hemloft, Joel Allen's secret treehouse near Whistler, BC
Tiny house

This Cool treehouse near Whistler, BC became a global sensation because it used recycled materials off Craigslist!

...TinyHousein BC inspires you, and you're interested in building aTinyHouseorTinyHome, then take a look at all these too! Especially the articles on building aTinyHouseon aTinyBudget ... or this truly beautifulTinyhouseMovementTiny但海姆loft的这种情况也引起了人们的兴趣……

Tiny House living in cold climates - one of the best tiny homes on wheels
Tiny house

Tiny Houses - Living in Cold Climates

...TinyHouseconstruction video of Ben's first design, the 'HobbitHouse'. So that covers how to build atinyhome in a cold climate, see otherTinyhousedesigns such as theTinyTack Hous e , Built-in storage designs for small spaces , Coachhouses , Lanewayhouses , and learn ifTinyHouses are Good for the En...

Vancouver's first laneway house
Tiny house

Vancouver 's laneway house movement is increasing urban density

...HouseProgram. At that time, council asked staff to report back after the first 100 lanewayhouseapplications had been approved, or after 3 years, whichever came first. The 100th lanewayhouseapplication was approved in July 2010. Council has already mandated the expansion in both the Housing and Homelessness Str...

The off-grid Ecocapsule accessory dwelling unit
Tiny house

The off-grid Ecocapsule tiny house

...tinyecocapcapsule可以将所有你需要的东西打包成一个非常高效、紧凑的设计。Complete with rather luxurious amenities, including a double bed, kitchenette, storage space and bathroom with a shower and a toilet that collects bio waste, the Ecocapsule can be used as atiny家,快闪酒店,一个人……