Rubber roof/ Green Building & Sustainable Home Renovation Information & Advice

Metal roof with solar panels
Roof coverings

How to choose roofing materials

...rubbershingle manufacturers offer at least a 30-year warranty, some as high as 50 years or even lifetime. Fairly high cost comparitively speaking. 6. Greenroofs- intensive and extensive: Greenroof© Ecohome An intensive greenroof, also known as a ‘rooftop garden’ refers to planting areas that have a depth...

How to Fix a Leaky or Dripping Faucet Easily

How to fix a Leaky Faucet for under $1 (and stop that tap dripping!)

...rubberfrom the molding process, so I found it helpful to carefully trim this off with a very sharp knife. Be very careful with sharp knives people. Therubbersealing washers I had bought also had the size embossed in therubberface on one side, so I decided to fit them with this part into the cup leaving the flat ...

Earthship in Taos, New Mexico, shame they don't work in cold climates
Concept and design

Do Earthships work in cold climates?

...rubberroofshingles - Eco-friendly Green Building, or not? 4. Water conservation: The Earth already has a natural system for treating and storing rainwater, though out of necessity Reynolds reinvented that system using plastic pipes, filters, plants and huge plastic cisterns. Kudos to him, that was a brilliant...