Plywood sheathing/ Green Building & Sustainable Home Renovation Information & Advice

Choosing between OSB or Plywood for house sheathing for Roofs, Walls & Floors.
Wood and organic materials

Which is better, OSB or Plywood for Roofs, Walls & Floors?

...Plywood-哪个是最好的?Odds are, that if you pass a housing development of wood-framed houses, it will have OSB (oriented strand board) as exteriorsheathing. When you count sub-floors, roofs and wallsheathing, OSB claims about 70% of the woodsheathingmarket in North America overplywood. Both products have ben...

The passive solar home in Lac Kenogami, Quebec
Passive solar home design

Ecohome design wins House of the Year Award from Green Builder® Magazine

The first house designed under our Passive Solar Index (PSI) program won "Most Resilient House" in the 2013 Green Builder® Home of the Year Awards. The Kenogami House is a living laboratory of high performance design and technology, called "The Most Resilient House in North America" by Alex Wilson, founder of the Resi...

How to Find & Order In-Stock Essential Products Online COVID-19 & Coronavirus

Life Hacks to help stay Eco during COVID-19 Quarantine & Ordering Online

Finding essentials while at home with the kids - ordering online What a year this week has been! As we're quarantined for 14 days, we've been brainstorming about relevant and helpful subjects to write about for during these testing times with the coronavirus or COVID-19 (which word is even the right one to use there...

Grey water and heat recovery shower

EcoVéa: recycled and cleaned shower water

After recently posting a story sharing the brilliance that is the Swedish Orbsys water and heat recycling shower, it was brought to our attention that there is a homegrown Canadian variety as well. The EcoVéa shower by Reveeco is made in Quebec, Canada, and works based on the same principles as the Orbys we recently w...



Are low flow shower heads worth it? So, let's start with this somewhat shocking reality - North Americans will on average use over 1.4 million litres of water per year, or about 4 to 5 times that of most European citizens. This is according to the SDWF (Safe Drinking Water Foundation). That makes Canada and the US...

Ecodrain greywater heat recovery unit
Greywater Heat Recovery

A new design in greywater heat recovery

Sustainable construction is on the move! It seems almost every day a new and innovative product shows up on the market that is more efficient, more effective, greener and healthier. We regularly cruise the web looking for such gems and our latest find is a new system for greywater heat recovery that looks quite promis...

Architecture and plan design

Are shipping container houses environmentally friendly & good or bad to live in?

Shipping container homes are gaining popularity globally, especially as Tiny Houses , as they can be seductively attractive with their modern looking lines, colours and shape - but one question we've been asked consistently is: "Are shipping containers Good or Bad as homes - and for the Environment?" Like many gre...

Water efficient bathroom fixtures
Plumbing and water heaters

Plumbing & water


building with recycled shipping pallets
Recycled and Reclaimed Materials

Building with recycled shipping pallets

b平方。Design Studio Inc.是一家位于多伦多的景观设计和建造公司,致力于创造优雅和现代的景观,专注于可持续性和长寿的工作。“即插即用-托盘花园”是他们为每年的加拿大鲜花花园节. ...设计的第5个特色花园装置

“The perfect lawn” comes with a very heavy environmental cost!

Which are the best bee-friendly & Eco-friendly alternatives to grass lawns in backyards?

Alternatives to grass lawns - ground covers! North American backyards have one main point in common – Kentucky blue grass. But here we’re talking about ground covers and alternatives to this grass , not a bunch of fiddle and banjo players jamming in your backyard. The traditional green grass we use to cover our ...

Gas powered tankless water heaters
Plumbing and water heaters


Tankless water heaters , on demand water heaters and instantaneous water heaters are different names for the same thing - domestic hot water systems that do not include the storage tank that comes with traditional water heaters. This type of water heating system can be advantageous in some climates, provided they us...