House sheathing/ Green Building & Sustainable Home Renovation Information & Advice

Wood and organic materials

Which is better, OSB or Plywood for Roofs, Walls & Floors?

...houses, it will have OSB (oriented strand board) as exteriorsheathing. When you count sub-floors, roofs and wallsheathing, OSB claims about 70% of the woodsheathingmarket in North America over plywood. Both products have benefits and drawbacks; we will go over those, starting with their composition, and explore "w...

The passive solar home in Lac Kenogami, Quebec
Passive solar home design

Ecohome design wins House of the Year Award from Green Builder® Magazine

...housedesigned under our Passive Solar Index (PSI) program won "Most ResilientHouse" in the 2013 Green Builder® Home of the Year Awards. The KenogamiHouseis a living laboratory of high performance design and technology, called "The Most ResilientHousein North America" by Alex Wilson, founder of the Resilient Desig...

Shipping Container Homes in a Warm Climate might be a good option
Tiny house

Beautiful shipping container homes - Tiny Houses in warm climates, but I can't see that starcase being practical in the cold north or even in a soggy WA or BC winter climate. Two-level shipping container home as a tinyhousein a warm climate could work - certainly stylish The tinyhousebedroom in these shipping container homes is spacious and stylish If you're r...

Shipping container homes, Good or Bad?
Architecture and plan design

Are shipping container houses environmentally friendly & good or bad to live in?

...houseis strong, but so is a solid wood-framedhouse. There is a common association between containerhouses and diy green roofs , partly due to the fact that containers can withstand heavy loads. They certainly can, but this line of thinking underestimates the properties and strength of wood. You can easily frame a w...

Choosing a home and neighbourhood
Real estate

Shopping for a home? Some tips for finding the right house and neighbourhood

...Houseready prefab eco homes For Canada and the US How to design a home for thermal comfort and energy efficiency Moving to the country? Find out how to make that work! Compare the carbon footprint of wood v steel vs. concrete buildings Future-proof building techniques for a changing climate ...

Passive Solar Home design at it's best - Kenogami House - EcoHome
Passive solar home design

Ecohome Kenogami House wins Home of the Year Award

...Housecontinues to act as a laboratory for resilient, cold climate building practices. Through software energy modeling it was determined that the KenogamiHousewould likely require 14.6 kWh of heat per square metre per year, but its actual performance seems to be even better. What we have learned this first winter ...

Resilient home construction - Kenogami House of the Year
Efficient home design

"The Most Resilient House in North America"

...House, the rest can be found on the RDI website Ecohome's KenogamiHousein northern Quebec was described by Alex Wilson of the Resilient Design Institute based in Brattleboro, Vermont, as " The most resilienthousein North America. " ***

Prefab Passive House & LEED Kit Homes for Sale in Ontario & North Eastern US
Concept and design

Prefab Passive House & LEED ready kit homes - the future of buying a new home?

...housecomponents & features that Emmanuel chose for his prefab LEED & PassiveHousehome kit - These prefab home kits are configured to individual building lots & owner preferences: Prefab LEED & PassiveHouseKit Homes出售美国东北部,魁北克和安大略-获得更多信息在这里绝缘板级预制件…

Insulation and soundproofing


...houses now with spray foam will do the same atmospheric harm as was done by 1house在过去。你不需要是一个数学天才就知道这是一个非常令人印象深刻的进步。所以我们至少要感谢德米莱克,他领先了我们4年。除了所有好的东西,还有生态……

Top Tips for Getting a House Ready for Winter
Wall assemblies - renovation

Winter preparation for your home - are you ready for the cold?

Top Tips for preparing a home for winter Extremely low temperatures over winter can test your home in many ways , and sometimes yourhousewill return a failing grade. Even brand new homes built to code can see failures of their building envelopes, windows, doors and ventilation systems during winter, a simple failu...

LEED Canada on the rise
LEED Homes

LEED Canada shows strong growth during summer of 2015 including first LEED® v4 certified project

...housegases generated overall. This role is being acknowledged internationally at the Conference of the Parties (COP) 21 meetings in Paris on Dec. 3, when leaders will, for the first time, dedicate an entire day to addressing how countries can work to reduce the carbon footprint of their buildings. “This has been a s...