Mechanical systems

Hydronic heating system
Delivery: radiant, forced-air and decentralized

Hydronic heating

Hydronic heating systems involve heated liquid being pumped through radiators, baseboard heaters, floors or even walls. Similar to electric baseboards, hydronic heating systems facilitate zone heating as you can keep different rooms at different temperatures. Though different from electric resistance heating…

Electric Heaters - is heating with electric an eco-friendly option?
Heating with electricity

Heating with electricity

电阻加热将几乎100%的能量转化为热量。然而,用电加热的真正效率和对环境的影响最终取决于其生产来源。电加热环保吗?Determining whether or not electricity is an efficient and…

Natural gas fireplace
Heating with gas and oil

Heating with natural gas

During the combustion process, natural gas is the most efficient and least harmful of fossil fuels. How affordable or ecologically responsible it will be in the future depends largely on supply, sourcing and the supply network. The cleaner burning process (than diesel fuel) and price has made heating and cooking…

Choosing the right firewood for maximum heat
Wood stove and biomass heat

Burning the right firewood for maximum heat output and minimum environmental impact

Dense hardwoods like maple, oak, birch and cherry are some of the better woods for heating & burn hottest. Different species of wood are available in different areas, so the best firewood will vary by location, see below. First Rule for Choosing the Hottest Firewood? Before we get into which wood is best for…

High efficiency wood stoves
Wood stove and biomass heat

Heating with wood and biomass fuel

Improvements in stove technology have made wood and biomass fuel a more popular and efficient heat source. There has been an increase in the use of wood and other biomass fuel for heating homes across the colder parts of North America & Canada for the last decade. In Eastern Canada and the USA in particular this…

Geothermal Heating Systems
Heat pumps, geothermal and AC

Geothermal heating for Homes in North America - Does it work & will it save money?

Geothermal is an excellent renewable heat source but there are many variables in calculating whether it's cost effective. Geothermal Heating Systems for Homes Domestic Geothermal heating systems can be a great way to heat a home, replace a furnace, and are labeled as money savers. Question is, are they worth the…

Grey Water Recycling Never Looked Better
Greywater Recycling

Greywater recycling never looked better

Jang Wooseok designed the Eco Bath grey water recycling system to address water conservation in washrooms. Mission accomplished, and elegantly so. The Eco Bath concept is simple: use the waste water from the sink to flush the adjoining toilet. The execution is nothing less than stylish. Though compact, the Eco…

tidal power generators
Renewable energy

Tidal generators offer a predictable supply of renewable energy

Renewable power sources such as sun and wind present challenges for grid operators in being able to consistently meet demand. Tidal and river generators remove that unknown, and Cornwall, Ontario will soon benefit from a river turbine pilot project. A project started in 2002 by Verdant Power Inc. saw tidal turbines…

Condensation on windows leads to mold & mildew in homes, ERV & HRV systems help

Ventilation & air exchangers

Are houses too airtight? No they aren't! Fresh air circulation is essential to prevent mold & mildew in today's modern energy-efficient homes so Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) or Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) is fitted. Homes built in the last 40 years in Canada are relatively airtight. Before that we generally…

Mixed interior room lighting

Home lighting design

Home lighting impacts safety, function, energy consumption and quality of life. Different lights offer not only different levels of efficiency, but a variety of colours as well, and can help with Seasonal Affective Disorder(S.A.D.). The first thought of home lighting design should be the orientation of windows for…

Water efficient bathroom fixtures
Plumbing and water heaters

Plumbing & water

Water efficient toilets, compact plumbing design, low-flow fixtures, grey water recovery and rainwater harvesting. There are lots of ways to save water in a home. Home water consumption in Canada: On average, Canadians use over 300 litres of water per person, per day. Compare this to consumption in the UK of 200…