Radiant heating systems are very common in concrete floors now because they provide a very balanced and comfortable distribution of heat. Those systems are most commonly hydronic, meaning heated liquid is pumped through tubing in the concrete which then radiates that heat into the house.

Hydronic radiant tubing for a slab-on-grade floor
Hydronic radiant tubing for a slab-on-grade floor © Ecohome

You can see a Video Guide onHow to Install Hydronic Radiant Heated Floor Tubing HERE

Alternatively, you can heat floors with electric wires and this is often the most affordable after-market solution for happier feet. Even in new homes with forced-air heating, electrically-heated mats are sometimes installed below the tiles in bathroom floors for added comfort. What you don’t see a lot of, are floors heated with air.

Electric wire radiant floor heating
Electric wire radiant floor heating © Ecohome

How to make air-heated floors work:

Since the first forced-air heating systems were introduced into homes, there have been attempts to distribute that heat through flooring systems, but they often failed miserably. The most problematic of those were attempts to heat concrete floors with standard metal ducts from forced-air furnaces.

Collapsed duct
Collapsed duct © Inspectapedia

Embedding ducts in concrete that were not intended to bear weight frequently caused them to collapse, rendering the heating system completely ineffective. Ducts that didn’t collapse were at risk of filling with water or at the very least, moisture. This led to corrosion and blockages, so even systems that worked at first were at risk of a short functional lifespan.

Corroded duct
Corroded duct © Inspectapedia

For the systems that did work, and during the time they were working, they would have offered at least some success in warming floors, but doing so brought air quality concerns. These makeshift floor-heating systems functioned similarly to any other forced-air ducted system, where air from the home was circulated through heat vents and cold air returns.

Circulating air from the home though these floor ducts led to the normal dust and debris that can be found in any home being deposited in these floor ducts, and overtime created a buildup of organic matter.

Corroded supply vent
Corroded vent image via Inspectapedia

In summertime when systems were inactive, dust-filled ducts embedded in cool, humid concrete floors provided the ideal environment for mold to develop. In the fall when systems were activated again, air circulating through dirty and moldy ductwork would distribute particulate and mold spores throughout the home. For Information about the importance ofair quality in the home and how to improve it with ERV & HRV Ventilation systems see HERE.

During inspections with remotely operated cameras, some even less appealing discoveries were made, including snakes, insects, dead rodents and their excrement. If youreallywant to, you canread more about that here.

How these flaws can be remedied:

  • Make it a sealed, closed-loop system so that air in the heating system is not exchanged with the air of the house.
  • Install non-corrosive duct work.
  • 在系统被激活之前,对混凝土进行养护以去除水分。

A company calledLegalettthat originated decades ago in Sweden now manufactures and distributesheated-floor systems across North America (you can get a quote here). They are the only company we know of that provides this system; if anyone knows of others, please let us know in the comments section at the bottom.

Why the Legalett radiant floor system works:

Legalett air-heated radiant floor heating systems are entirely embedded in concrete, including the heater box. It is a closed-loop system where air is moved through either 2 or 4-inch PVC tubes (which are non-corrosive), so that no dust from the air in the home is introduced into the system. There are no open vents, so there is no access point for rodents and insects.

混凝土浇筑后,Legalett要求使用露天建筑加热器(系统配备)养护地板,在安装永久加热设备之前,该加热器的温度保持在28°C 3周。这样可以除去混凝土中的水分,防止加热箱内的金属部件被腐蚀。

Advantages of air-heated radiant floors over hydronic:

  • Legalett采暖机组与管道一起嵌入地板,因此它们不需要在机械室中安装一面墙来放置锅炉和歧管。单元通过与混凝土齐平的小舱门进入,可以放置在家庭的任何地方——机械室、电器下或壁橱中。
  • A metal box frame is hard-wired and embedded in the concrete to house heater units, the heater units themselves plug directly into the box to allow for easy removal for maintenance.
  • Heater units use standard parts, so, long into the future when the warranty has expired, units can be easily removed and repaired by any electronics repair shop using commonly available parts.
  • The first 10-12% of each zone output is fully-insulated, the second 10-12% is half-insulated – this forces the hottest air further down the tubes to more evenly distribute heat throughout the floor.
  • With the system being entirely embedded in the floor, heat is also entirely contained in the floor, so there is no buildup of heat in the mechanical room as is common with hydronic systems.
  • The reduced capacity air has to hold heat compared to water can reduce the risk of overheating.
  • 当安装一个液体循环管系统,你需要非常谨慎,因为不小心刺穿一个管会使系统无效。空气加热管系统是不加压的,没有液体泄漏,所以一个意外的螺丝放入空气管是没有后果的。
  • 每个系统和区域布局都是定制设计的,以均匀输送热量。提供了详细的切割清单和说明,使安装简单快捷。
  • Systems can be used in conjunction with thermal-solar air heaters, which are less risky (and less expensive) than thermal-solar hydronic heaters.
Air heated radiant floors
Insulating air tubes near the heater box output to better distribute heat © Ecohome

Can radiant floor heating provide all the necessary heat for a home?



With traditional heating systems like forced-air furnaces, ventilation air is typically mixed with the already-heated indoor air to achieve the temperatures listed above. Because that option isn’t available with radiant heating systems, a touch up heater must be used with ventilation air. MostHVAC systemswill offer it and it is not an expensive upgrade.

Can air-heated radiant floors deliver enough heat?

Yes, they can. While it is true that much more heat can be transported by water than air, that doesn’t mean there isn’t enough. More power can be delivered by a Boeing jet engine than a 4-cylinder Toyota engine, but if you were purchasing a Toyota and you were given a choice between those two engines, which would you choose? Bigger isn’t always better. Any home-heating system needs to be designed and sized to meet the heat load of a specific building.



air heated radiant floor
2-inch air heated tubes © Legalett

Heating with electricity but avoiding peak rates:

An additional benefit that can be realized with any heated concrete floor (air, electric or hydronic), is that the floor itself acts as athermal battery. A warmed slab of concrete will take a long time to cool, long enough to last through peak hours.

Floors can be kept on a timer, set perhaps to go on no sooner than 7:00 PM and off again by 7:00 AM, so you can avoid daytime peak rates. A well-insulated warm concrete floor can easily keep a house warm for 12 hours, allowing you to heat your home affordably with electricity in regions with high peak-electricity rates, without using fossil fuels.