Can you run plumbing in exterior walls?


Can you run plumbing in exterior walls?

Steve J Feb. 22, 2021Last updated: Feb. 26, 2021

I am looking to finish a bathroom in my basement and would like to know if plumbing supply lines must always be run through interior partition walls or can they be brought to exterior basement walls that have been insulated using EPS + wood stud + mineral wool?

内部地下室墙壁用2英寸的EPS (R-10)保温,然后在EPS上建造木钉,并填充矿棉保温材料(R-14)。管道供应管道可以连接到这面墙,然后穿过外墙的木框架吗?

Does this go against the plumbing code or do I have enough insulation with the 2” of eps (and some of the mineral wool) to safely prevent any pipes from freezing? Should the pipes also be wrapped and insulated to assist with condensation?

Thank you.

Responses (1)

gary taube 1 year ago

NO. NO NO. I bought a house in MI where the original owner did that. A stretch of copper tubing was against the sill with branches up into the walls for the bathrooms and kitchen. One -30 cold snap and I had to replace several joints and faucets, Also had to replace kitchen floor where it leaked under the cabinets and flooring. I am working on moving the lines in, at least on joist away from the outer sill with lots of insulation. I want the bathroom and kitchen lines in from the wall and lots of insulation in the walls.